Apple Tree’s Red Apples

Apples ripen in many colors and these are ripening in a classic red.

Fall photo clearly shows the irregular shape between different apples and not all apples are perfectly round as found in the grocery store.

Irregular Apples like these are destine for other uses such as apple sauce or animal feed.

Pine Cone Decorations

When buying Christmas Decorations … What are the biggest Pine Cones in the World that you can buy?

Sugar pine tree Cones! The longest pine cone found to date measured 58 cm (22.9 in) long. That’s a big cone in your arms when you consider a that full-term baby on averages 19 and 21 inches long. These and other types of large pine cones are very popular as winter decorations at Christmas time.

Pine cones are very popular decoration on their own in containers or as accents amongst evergreen branches during the feastive Christmas season.