Garden Water Pond

When looking for a water feature, one the first things is to consider scale … it is very easy to just buy one you fancy and then get it home to find it is too tiny for the spot you had in mind. Good part about buying a water feature at your local retailer is that you probably can easily return it, usually for full refund.

The fun part for me about having a garden water feature is that it attracts birds during the dryer summer times … if water fountain is close to your patio seating area or a window .. it is quite a cool experience to have them get so close … watching visiting birds coming and going about their business is enjoyable relaxed time.

A couple safety considerations, is that other insects are interested in your water source, these include wasps and bees and can be annoying and a sting hazard to some .. especially if they frequent your patio area .. and are constantly flying through your seating area. Also to be aware of young children may be temped to touch the water, if in reach, maybe afterwards put their hands in their mouth. Remember that bacteria from summer heat … and birds poop will contaminate your water … good warn to your kids and any visiting children not to touch the water.

The fastest way to get a water pond and/or fountain is to buy a prefabricated water feature … smaller water features can be found at home improvement retailers like Ace Hardware, Lowes, Home Depot, ADEO,… and your local garden center may have larger water fountains in more elaborate garden styles.

Landscape Design Water Lilies

A great garden design should have a water feature with the sound of bubbling of running water.

If you have a small garden you may have to limit the size of a water pond  … hopefully you will still able to add some water lilies  … white flowers are most common … the violet or purple flower very pretty as in the picture.

Water pond materials, liners and supplies can be purchased at building stores  such as Lowes, Home Depot ..

Water lilies for sale can be found at most medium to up scale garden centres