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Butternut Tree Pictures

Butternut Tree Pictures Gallery has some very beautiful butternut tree pictures for you.

Butternut Tree Images

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Butternut Tree Photo Gallery

Butternut Tree Pictures: Close up of Butternut Trees Bark, Leaf and Leaves

Butternut Leaves

Butternut Tree Pictures: Close up of Butternut Trees Bark and Branches

Juglans Cinerea

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree Type

Butternut Tree Leaves, Butternut Tree Leaf Pattern

Butternut Leaves

Butternut Tree Fruit, Butternut Tree Nuts


Butternut Tree Pictures: Butternut Tree at 12-15 years, No Butternuts Yet

White Walnut

Butternut Tree

Juglans cinerea

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree

Butternut Wood, Grain Pattern of the Butternut Tree

Butternut Wood

Butternut Tree Drawing, A Butternut Tree Artist Illustration

Butternut Tree Image

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree

Butter Nut Tree

Butternut Tree Photo

Butternut Tree

Butternut Tree Image

White Walnut Tree

Butternut Tree

Butter Nut Leaf

Butternut Tree Scientific Name - Juglans cinerea L.

Butternut, Facts & Info on Butternut Trees

The Butternut Tree, also known as White Walnut

The butternut or white walnut is closely related to the black walnut tree but differs in its sticky, elongated fruits, sharply ridged nuts and mature pale gray bark.

The butternut tree has distinctive ridged and furrowed bark.

It produces drooping clusters of sweet nuts which are used in baking.

Prefers moist soils. Grows to 40' to 60', 35'-50' spread. (Plant two trees for pollination).

Type of tree:
The Butternut falls into the following type(s): Nut Trees

Mature Height:
The Butternut grows to be 40' - 60' feet in height.

Mature Spread:
The Butternut has a spread of about 35' - 50' at full maturity.

Spread Variations:

Growth Rate:
This tree grows at a slow growth rate.

This Butternut does well in full sun.

The Butternut grows in acidic, alkaline, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, well drained, wet, wide range, clay soils.

This Butternut has rounded shape.

Pinnately compound, alternate, 11-19 stalkless leaflets, dull, fine hairy, dark green surface.

Flower Color:

Bloom Time:
Late May to early June.

Butternut Fruit:
Fruits are single or appear in clusters of 2 to 5.

A tapered, oblong, 1 1/2"-2 1/2" fruit covered with sticky hairs encloses a brown, corrugated, thick, 1"-1 1/2" shell that terminates in a point. The oval kernel is tender with sweet, oily, buttery flavor.

The fruit of the butternut ripens in Sept/Oct and sometimes stay on the tree until after the leaves fall. Harvesting of butternut fruit takes place in late October.

The buds, twigs, and fruit of the butternut tree are very sticky to the touch.

Additional Information: Butternut Tree

The butternut or white walnut is one of the hardiest nut trees, A North American native, the nut has a rich, buttery flavor used in baking, confections, and eating fresh. The attractive, light golden wood is used for paneling and furniture.

Has distinctive ridged and furrowed bark. It produces drooping clusters of sweet nuts which are used in baking. Prefers moist soils. Grows to 40' to 60', 35'-50' spread. (Plant two trees for pollination)

Wildlife Value:
Nuts are valuable as food for deer, squirrels, and birds.


The edible nuts of the butternut tree have many health benefits

  • Butternuts are very rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  • Butternuts are a good source of beta-carotene.
  • Butternuts have antioxidant properties that can increase immunity and decrease the risk of cancer.
  • Butternuts are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Butternut Tree Disease

Butternut canker, Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum is a fungus most likely introduced from outside North America.

The fungus intitially infects trees through buds and leaf scars killing small branches. Spores are washed down the stem by rain, resulting in many stem cankers that eventually girdle and kill infected trees.

The butternut canker disease is responsible for an 80% reduction in natural populations of butternut trees over much of its range.

The butternut tree is classified as an endangered species under the Ontario Endangered Species Act. It is illegal to cut down a butternut tree without a permit.

Butternut Tree Trivia

The Butternut tree (juglans cinerea) or white walnut is the only walnut tree that is native to Canada.

Juice from the Butternut husk and inner bark has a characteristic staining property. It will stain the fingers and cannot be washed off.

The buds, twigs and fruit of the butternut tree are very sticky to the touch.

First Nation people used the nut oil for cooking, hair dressing, leather making and for polishing tools.

Butternut Tree Wood

Butternut is a soft wood that is light in color and used for interior trim and furniture.

Butternut Tree References

Butternut Tree; Extensive reference to the Butternut Tree and its fruit, nuts, seed pollenation and canker problems. Interesting solution to save the Butternut tree species by grafting new varieties to the Walnut Tree. For Butternut Tree, A Landowner’s Resource Guide follow here at Butternut Trees.

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