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Rose Pictures

Roses category contains many pictures of Rose blooms, photos of flowering Rose bushes, facts and Rose references.

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Roses are a colorful addition to all gardens, some gardners choose to plant only rose bushes in a garden bed and call it the rose garden.

Bouquets of roses are popular gifts for women especially for Valentines Day. Red roses are the traditional symbol of love and romance.

Rose Photos

Rose Picture: Single Rose Bud | Flower+roses at

Full size each Rose picture you like, just click on the image to make the Rose photo enlarge. Enjoy these pictures of roses and their beautiful blooms.

Pictures of Roses

Roses: Picture of Pink Rose Shrub Flower with Rain Droplets Single Red Rose Signifies Love

Pink Rose Blossom

Single Rose Bud

Rose Photo: Red & White Dog Rose Rose Picture: Red Rose Just Beginning To Open

Dog Rose Flower

Red Rose Blossom

1 Rose Flower: Single Roses are Pretty in Pink Beautiful Roses, Ketchup & Mustard Rose Rose Flower

Pink Rose

Ketchup & Mustard Rose

Magnolia Tulip Tree: Beautiful Early Pink Magnolia Spring Blossoms Beautiful Roses: Ketchup & Mustard Type of Rose

Single Pink Rose

Red Rose

Roses: More Rose Pictures

Rose Pictures: 5 Petal White Rose Bloom Rose Pictures: 5 Petal White Rose Bloom Rose Pictures: 5 Petal White Rose Bloom

White Rose

Pink Rose

Climbing Roses

Rose Pictures: Yellow Rose Flower Rose Pictures: Climbing Red Roses Rose Pictures: Signle White Rose Flower

Flower Pictures: Roses

Climbing Roses   Red Rose Blossom
Ketchup & Mustard Rose   Dog Rose Species

Rose Trivia

The Rose is the state flower of New York

Roses are popular gifts for women. Red Roses signify romance and are sold everywhere for Valentines Day

Flower, Rose The largest rose bloom ever grown was a pink rose measuring 33 inches in diameter, bred by Nikita K. Rulhoksoffski from San Onofre, California..

Roses For centuries, roses have inspired love and brought beauty to those who have received them.

Rose Symbolism

The rose flower is well known for its symbolism of romance, love, or infatuation. Follow this link to learn more about the significance of the colour of rose to choose, so that you convey the correct meaning to the recipient.

Rose Pictures

Roses, Facts about Rose Bushes

Common Types of Roses

  • Knock Out Roses, double flowers, low maintenance and disease resistant
  • Drift Roses, come in a variety of colors and styles
  • White Out Roses, masses of white flowers with an intense citrusy scent
  • Mister Lincoln Rose, velvety red flowers with rich fragrance
  • New Dawn Rose, climbing rose with masses of light pink blossoms
  • Ketchup & Mustard Rose, red and bright yellow blossoms
  • Julia Child Rose, butter yellow flowers with strong fragrance
  • St. Patrick Rose, lightly fragrant flowers
  • Twilight Zone Roses, grandiflora rose with double flowers
  • Don Juan Roses, climbing rose with masses of red blossoms

Scientific Name: Rosa

Rose Color Meanings

  • Red roses are the traditional symbol of love and romance
  • Pink roses are the traditional symbol of love, gratitude and appreciation
  • White roses are the traditional symbol of marriage, spirituality and new starts
  • Orange roses are the traditional symbol of enthusiasm and passion
  • Yellow roses are the traditional symbol of friendship, joy and good health
  • Lilac or purple roses are the traditional symbol of desire, love at first sight


Rose Picture: Single Rose Bud | Flower+roses at

The Rose is a perennial flower of the genus Rosa, there are over 100 species and thousands of cultivars. They come in a variety of colors and are great to grow in your garden or to give as a gift.

Plant Needs
Light: Sunny location
Moisture: Good drainage
Soil Type: Loam
pH Range: 6.5 & 7.0

Suggested uses for this plant include border, and specimen plant. Sold as a shrub at nurseries and landscape yards, over time grows to a medium size tree.

Planting Rose Bushes

There are many types of roses from shrub roses to climbing roses as well as the floribunda rose, a compact shrub which produces clusters of flowers all summer long.

Care of Your Roses

Watering: Roses should be watered regularly during the summer months.

Fertilizing: Fertilize around the rose bush as soon as winter protection is removed in spring and again in July and early August.

Pruning: Roses over 2ft should be pruned in the fall to prevent ice damage. Hybrid Tea roses and floribunda roses should be pruned in late April, and climbing roses should have dead wood removed each spring.

Roses are susceptible to a number of pests and diseases.

Consult local sources, including historic or public gardens and arboreta, regarding cultivars and related species that grow well in your area.

Rose Incense

There are more than 5000 varieties of roses but only a few of them offer the marked fragrance that is sought by perfumeries. The two major types of oil bearing roses are the pink and white damask rose.

It takes approximately 60,000 roses, or about 180 lbs to produce 30 mls of pure oil.

For Rose Types & Facts see Rose Bloom Pictures

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Click on the Tree Photo for a full enlarged picture or click on the Category below to go to the Tree Gallery page for that tree species

Pine Tree: Picture of White Pine Trees Needles

Pine Tree Gallery

Rhododenrons Flowers: Blooming Rhododenron Tree Shrub Photos, Images, Picture Library, In May at the Eiffel Tower, Paris

Rhododendron: France

Oak Tree Leaf: Fall Oak Leaf's Reflection

Oak Tree Library

Christmas Season: Stockings for Santa


Christmas Trees Xmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Christmas Gazebo Xmas Picture

Xmas Decorations

Palm Trees, Picture of the Palm Tree Leaves

Palm Trees

Maple Trees, Photo of Red Japanese Maple Landscaping Design

Japanese Maple

Willow Trees, Picture of Willow Tree

Willow Trees

Park Trees, Picture of Flooded Park Bench & Trees


Rose Shrub Flower, Picture of Pink Rose Shrub Flower with Rain Droplets, Image of Roses


Maple Trees, Photo Green Maple Tree Leaf with Rain Droplets, Image of Maple Trees

Maple Trees

Looking for a background image of a beautiful tree to use as on your desktop computer then check out these beautiful tree pictures you can use as free tree wallpaper.

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