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Cedar Tree Pictures

Cedar Tree category contains many pictures of cedar trees, useful information about cedar trees, cedar wood photos, types of cedar trees, facts, cedar tree references to the cedar tree evergreen species.

Cedar Tree Images

Consists of two pages of cedar tree images, with an impressive cedar tree photos feature page.

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Cedar Tree Photos

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Cedar Facts

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Tree photo categories on the left will link you to a specific tree category which will provide you with lots of pictures, facts and info about that tree type. Enjoy these pictures of cedar trees.

Cedar Tree Pictures: Photo Library of Cedars

Cedar Trees, Planted on the Side of a Hill

Cedar Tree

Old Cedar Tree Trunk on Edge of the Escarpment

Decayed Cedar Tree

Cedar Trees, Driveway Lined with Cedar Trees

Cedar Drive

Cedar Trees used in Landscape Design of Golf Course

Cedar Trees

Cedar Tree, Cedar Landscaping Design

Cedar Tree

Old Cedar Tree, Cedar Tree Disease, Bermuda

Diseased Cedar Bermuda

Cedar Tree, Golf Course Cedar by the Train Railway

Ornamental Cedar

Cedar Lake, Mirror Cedar Tree Reflections in the Water

Cedar Tree Reflections

Cedars: New Cedar Tree Growing in an Old Cedar Stump

Cedar Island

Cedar Wood: Diseased Cedar Tree Wood Log

Diseased Cedar Log

Cedar Tree Pictures: Group of Cedars Growing by the Lake

Cedar Grove

Cedar Trees: Cedar Tree that has Died

Dead Cedar Tree

Cedar Tree Picture - Large Cedar Knot on a Split Rail Fence

Cedar Wood Knot

Cedar Trees: Solid Wood Cedar Trees Shore up Property on Large River

Cedar Tree Pilings

Cedar Tree Pictures: Landscape

Cedars: Cedar Trees Growing by the Pond Landscape

Row of Cedars

Types of Cedar Trees: Snowy Pyramidal Cedar Leaves in Winter Pic

Snow Cedar

Cedar Hedge: Cedar Trees Landscaped with Pretty White Picket Gate Picture

Cedar Hedge

Cedar Tree: Landscaping Property Lines with pyramidal types of cedar trees, Cedar Trees in a Row Picture

Cedar Trees

Cedar Trees: Wrought Iron Fencing with Cedar Trees to Landscape Property Line and added Windbreak Picture


Pictures of Cedar Trees: Pyramidal Shaped Cedar Type used Urban Street Landscaping


Pictures of Cedar Trees: Types of Cedar Trees: Pyramid Type Cedars in Municipal Garden. Cedar Landscaping idea to conceal undesireable masonary wall

Pyramidal Cedars

Cedar Tree Types: Black Cedar Tree Type for Hedge Landscaping Privacy with Wood Gate

Cedar Hedge

Pictures of Cedar Trees: Tall Cedar Tree Planted Alongside Gazebo Structure

Pyramidal Cedar

Pictures of Cedar Trees: Tall Cedars Planted As Windbreak To Farm

Pyramidal Cedars

Pictures of Cedar Trees: Red Cedar Tree Overlooking Lake

Red Cedar

Cedar Hedge Photos

CedarTrees Cedar Tree Lane Picture CedarTrees

Cedar Privacy Hedge

Cedar Hedge

Pyramidal Cedars

Cedar Trees: Landscaping with Cedar Tree at Town Hall Picture Cedar Hedge: Cedar Trees Landscaping with White Picket Gate Picture Cedar Hedge: Cedars Used with Privacy Fence Photo

Cedar Tree

Cedar Hedge

Cedar Trees

Cedar Tree Hedge: Cedar Trees planted as Privacy Hedge with Wrought Iron Fence

Cedar Hedge

Pyramidal Cedar Tree Picture: Type of cedar trees use as a Hedge to Block Hydro Transformers

Cedar Landscape

Pictures of Cedar Trees: White cedar Type of cedar trees use as a Hedge

Cedar Hedging

Types of Cedar Trees: Trimmed Pyramidal Cedar Tree Landscaping


Types of Cedar Tree: Cedar Trees Used As Windbreak Hedge

Cedar Windbreak

Types of Cedar Tree: Landscape Cedar Trees Planted on Golf Course

Cedar Trees

Types of Cedar Trees: Trimmed Cedar Bushes

Cedar Bushes

Types of Cedar Trees: Lonely Cedar Tree

Cedar Tree

Cedar Tree Photos: cedar Tree Windbreak

Cedar Windbreak

Cedars: Tree Photos

Old Cedar Tree Bermuda Picture

Diseased Cedar

Globe Cedar Tree Type Picture; globe Cedar Trees are Prunned into a Globe Shape

Globe Cedar

Cedar Tree, 2 Cedar Trees by the Waters Edge


Cedar Tree Bark

Cedar Bark

Cedars: White Cedar Trees Type - Bark, Trunk, Wood Cedar Tree Picture

White Cedars

Cedar Tree Types; Picture of a Golden Cedar with the Cedar's Yellow Golden New Leaf Growth

Golden Cedar

Cedar Tree Bark

Red Cedars

Cedar Tree Bark

Cedar Tree

Cedar Tree Bark

Landscape Cedars

Cedar Tree In Water

Fallen Cedar

Cedar Trees

Lake Cedars

Cedar Trees

Cedar Forest

Cedar Trees

Pair of Cedars

Cedars: Cedar Wood Photos

Cedar Fence: Cedar Wood Boards & Posts are Highly Weather Resistant for Privacy Fencing | Cedar:Fence+Boards+Post at

Cedar Fence

Cedar Roof: Cedar Wood Shingles or Shakes are a Upscale Traditional Architectual Roofing Wood  | Cedar:Roofs at

Cedar Shingles

Cedar Hedge: New Privacy Cedar Landscape Shrub Care | Cedar:Hedges+Care at

Cedar Hedging

Pictures of Cedar Trees: Cedar Wood is Weather Resistant for Exterior Door Found on Bermuda Church | Cedar:Door at

Cedar Door

Cedar Tree Image: Cedar Wood Rafters or Timbers Create an Architectual Interior Roofing Structure and Ceiling Finish, Bermuda Church | Cedar:Roofs at

Cedar Rafters

Pictures of Cedar Trees: Cedar Tough and Grove(T & G) Wall Panelling Finish, Beams Covered in Cedar Wood, Cedar Woodwork with Clear Varathane Finish | Cedar:Wood at

Cedar Panelling

Cedar Tree Picture: Cedar Wood is Weather Resistant and used for Exterior Fence Posts | Cedar:Wood+Fence

Cedar Wood

Cedar Tree Pictures: Split Cedar Wood Rails are good for Natural Landscape Fencing, Highly Weather Resistant | Cedar:Wood+Fence

Cedar Fence Rails

Cedar Tree Pictures: Split Cedar Wood Rails are good for Natural Landscape Fencing, Highly Weather Resistant | Cedar:Wood+Fence

Cedar Siding

Cedar Tree Wood Picture: Cedar is Weather Resistant and used for Exterior Fence Rails|

Cedar Window

Cedar Tree Pictures: Split Cedar Wood Rails are good for Garden Perimeter Fencing, Highly Rot Resistant |

Cedar Rail Fence

Cedar Tree Pictures: Lapped Cedar siding is very Weather Resistant |

Cedar Split Rails

Cedar Wood Cedar is highly rot Resistant and used for Exterior building finish and fencing

Cedar Wood

Picture of a Split Cedar Trees Truncks that are split into long Wood Rails are good for Garden Perimeter Fencing, Cedar is naturally Highly Rot Resistant |

Cedar Rail Fence

Pyramidal Cedar Tree after top is reduce and repointed |

Cedar Trimming

Cedar Wood Cedar Wood is highly rot Resistant and is used for Exterior 6x6 and 4x4 fencing Posts

Cedar Wood Grain

Picture of a Split Cedar Trees Truncks that are split into long Wood Rails are good for Garden Perimeter Fencing, Cedar is naturally Highly Rot Resistant |

Cedar Tree Grain

 Solid Split Rail Wood Cedar fence privacy|

Cedar Rail Fence

Rustic Cedar Tree Fence made from Rough Cut Cedars with Bark Left on

Rustic Cedar Fence

Picture of a Split Cedar Shake Roof, Cedar Wood is Naturally Highly Rot Resistant Last a Long Time |

Cedar Shakes

 Solid Split Rail Wood Cedar fence privacy|

Cedar Rail Fence

4x4 Rustic Cedar Tree Fence Posts

Cedar 4x4 Posts

Western Red Cedar Lumber Assocaition Logo and Packaging

Red Cedar Lumber

Rustic Cedar Tree Fence made from Rough Cut Cedars with Bark Left on

Old Cedar Gate

Straight Cedar Trees Fabricated into a Fence

CedarTree Fence

Cedar Lumber Rail Privacy Fence on Corner Property

Cedar Privacy Fence

Cedars: Winter Cedar Tree Pictures

Cedar Tree Care: Picture of Cedar Tree Weighted Down with Snow

Winter Cedars

Cedar Tree Leaf: Lakeside Cedar Tree Leaves with Factory Image across Frozen Lake Picture

Cedar Branches

Cedar Tree Evergreens: Cedar Tree in Winter Snow Storm Picture

Snowy Cedars

Cedars: More Cedar Tree Images

Cedar Tree Picture, Pic of Old Cedar Tree

Large Cedars

Cedar Tree Picture, Image of Large Cedar Tree

Mature Cedar

Cedar Tree Picture, Photo of Mature Cedar Tree

Cedar Tree

cedar tree picture


cedar tree Image

Cedar Tree

cedar tree picture

Large Cedar

Big Cedar Tree Pic, Mature Solo Cedar Tree Image

Big Cedar

Large Cedar Tree Pic, Mature Old Cedar Tree Image

Cedar Large

Deodara Cedar Tree Pic, Cedar Trees & Sapling Cedar Tree Image

Deodara Cedar

Cedar Tree, Eastern Red Cedar

Eastern Red Cedar

Red Cedar Tree Photo

Red Cedar Bark

Ornamental Red Cedar Tree Picture
Cedar Tree Lane: Hedge of Cedar Trees Landscaping both sides of Country Driveway Picture

Cedar Lane

Cedar Tree: Cedar Growing in Center of Pond with Canada Goose

Cedar Island

Cedar Hedge: Cedar Trees Landscaping with White Picket Gate Picture

Cedar Hedge

Types of Cedar: White Cedar Tree with Red Winged Black Bird Wild Life

Cedar Protection

Cedar Tree Pictures: Cedar Tree Forest, Old Leaning Cedar in the Meadow with New Growth Cedars

Cedar Grove

Types of Cedar Trees: Barn With Cedar Tree Landscaping

Farm Cedars

Cedar Trees: Spring Grove of Cedars at the Lake Picture

Cedar Grove by the Lake

Cedar Tree: Red Cedar Trees Seeds Picture

Red Cedar Seeds

Cedar Tree Landscape design with Waterfall

Cedar Landscape

Cedar Wood porch planter box

Cedar Planter Box

Cedar Hedge Privacy with the security of a wrought iron fence

Cedar Hedging

Cedar Tree Design a background with cone flower garden in front

Cedar Trees

Landscaping Design Image: Globe Cedar Tree paired with Wood Garden Bench |

Cedar Landscape

Cedar Tree Trimmmings - Every year or two trimming ones Pyramidal Cedars helps retain the cone shape |

Trimming Cedars

Picture of Cedar Tree Branches rearranged with bungy back into a pryamidal shape.

Cedar Branches

Cedar Tree Trimmmings - Every year or two trimming ones Garden Cedars helps retain the regular shape, otherwise bigger trim backs will be needed |

Trim Cedars

Picture of Cedar Leaf Trimmers

Cedar Shears

Picture of Pyramid Cedar Branches trimmed to retain Pyramidal cone Cedar profile -

Pyramid Cedars

Cedar Tree Trimmming - Every several years one may trim your Garden Cedars to reduce height, to retain its desired shape and or to bring the cedars height down to scale for the garden landscape design

Cedar Tree Topped

Picture of Cedar Trees needing tree service trimming

Cedar Growth

Cedar Trees protected by burlap, help keep Cedars green, as winter sidewalk salt browns the lower leaves -

Protect Cedars

Cedar Tree Hedge, row of cedars with wrounght iron fence landscape design

Cedar Hedge

Picture of Cedar Trees 4 Sale

Cedars for Sale

Picture of Trimmed Cedar Tree Hedge to block satellite dish and provide privacy -

Hedged Cedars

Cedar Tree Picture of Cedars on Roof deck to reduce side wind, sun and add a natural garden environment

Patio Cedars

100's Cedars together are referred to as a Cedar Tree Grove

Cedar Grove

Picture of Split Cedar Tree Wall Created for Privacy -

Cedar Rail Wall

Cedar Tree Picture Diseased

Diseased Cedar

100's Cedars Trees Lined up to Create Blockade - Algonquin Indian HomeStead Surround

Cedar Tree Uses

Picture of Damaged Cedar Trees Planted near Road where Winter Salt is Used -

Cedar Emerald

Cedar Tree Picture Sample  Cedar Trees Shape

Cedar Tree Shape

Cedar Tree Branches Reflect in Water

Cedar Branches

Additional Cedar Tree Photos

Cedar Tree Pictures 1 - Cedar Tree Pictures 2

Impressive Photos of Cedar Trees

Cedar Trees: Show a Cedar Tree Image


Cedar Tree Scientific Name: Cedrus

Cedar trees are cone bearing trees and can therefore be classified as coniferous. Other coniferous trees include pine trees, spruce trees, redwood trees and Douglas Fir trees.

Types of Cedar Trees, Kinds of Cedar Tree Types

  • Alaskan Cedar Tree, Alaskan Weeping Cedar Tree
  • American Red Cedar Tree
  • Arizona Cedar Tree
  • Atlantic White Cedar Tree, Atlas Cedar Tree
  • Australian Red Cedar Tree, Toona ciliata
  • Black Cedar Tree
  • Blue Cedar Tree, Blue Atlas Cedar Tree, Cedrus atlantica
  • Bonsai Cedar Tree
  • Cedar Trees as a species, part of Pine Tree, Pinaceae group
  • Deodar Cedar Tree, Cedrus deodara
  • Chinese Cedar Tree, Chinese Toon
  • Cypress Cedar Tree, Cedrus brevifolia
  • Dwarf Cedar Tree
  • Eastern Red Cedar Tree, Juniperus virginiana
  • Eastern White Cedar Tree, Thuja occidentalis
  • Emerald Cedar Tree
  • Florida Cedar Tree
  • Giant Red Cedar Tree
  • Golden Cedar Tree
  • Himalayan Cedar Tree
  • Lebanese Cedar Tree, Cedrus libani
  • Japanese Cedar Tree
  • Juniper Cedar Tree, Juniperus ashei
  • Red Cedar Tree
  • Siberian Cedar Tree
  • Spanish Cedar Tree
  • Slippery Cedar Tree
  • Texas Cedar Tree, Cedar Cedar Tree
  • Weeping Cedar Trees, Cedrus atlantica
  • Western Red Cedar Tree, Thuja plicata
  • White Cedar Tree, Tabebuia heterophylla

Cedar Tree Families

Pinaceae Cupressaceae Meliaceae
Lebanon Cedar
Cedrus libani
Atlantic White Cedar
Chamaecyparis thyoides
Spanish Cedar
Cedrela odorata
Deodar Cedar
Cedrus deodara
Bermuda Cedar
Juniperus bermudiana
Australian Red Cedar
Toona ciliata
Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica
Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana
Ceylon Cedar
Melia azesarach
Cyprus Cedar
Cedrus brevifolia
Chilean Cedar
Austrocedrus chilensis
Cigar-Box Cedar
  Eastern White Cedar
Thuja occidentalis
  Clanwilliam Cedar
Widdringtonia cedarbergensis
  Incense Cedar
  Japanese Cedar
  Iranian Cedar
Cupressus sempervirens
  Mountain Cedar
Juniperus ashei
  Mexican White Cedar
Cupressus lusitanica
  New Zealand Cedar
Libocedrus bidwillii
  Port Orford Cedar
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
  Prickly Cedar
Juniperus oxycedrus
  Sharp Cedar
Juniperus oxycedrus
  Western Red Cedar
Thuja plicata
  Yellow Cedar
Cupressus nootkatensis

Feature Cedar Species: Eastern Red Cedar

Our feature cedar tree species is the Eastern Red Cedar.

If you are looking for information on other types of cedar, we recommend using Google search.

We hope you enjoy the information and photos we have provided to help you identify various types of cedar, to learn interesting facts about cedar trees and how cedar wood is used in a variety of industries.



Red Cedar, Eastern
Juniperus virginiana

Dense pyramid shape excellent for windbreaks and screens. Birds love its berries. Medium green foliage. Likes full sun. Tolerant of most soils. Mature height of 40' - 50'.

Type of tree:
The Eastern Red cedar falls into the following type(s): Evergreens

Mature Height:
The Eastern Red Cedar grows to be 40' - 50' feet in height.

Mature Spread:
The Eastern Redcedar has a spread of about 8' - 20' at full maturity.

Spread Variations:

Growth Rate:
This tree grows at a medium growth rate.

This red cedar does well in full sun.

The Eastern Red cedar grows in acidic, alkaline, drought tolerant, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, silty loam, well drained, wide range, clay soils.

Can withstand occasional flooding, yet has good drought tolerance.

This red cedar has columnar, oval, pyramidal shape.

The leaves are evergreen. On new growth and young trees, foliage is needle-like; older foliage is scale-like, with each scale about 1/16th of an inch long and compacted to form rounded or 4-sided branchlets.

Greenish-yellow; nondescript.

Bloom Time:

Fruit Description:
Female cones are ovoid, 1/4" across, ripening in one year, abundant in shiny colors of brown to almost blue. Male staminate cones are yellow-brown and borne on separate plants.

Additional Information: Eastern Red Cedar

The Eastern Red cedar tree is a common sight on road cuts and in fence rows and abandoned fields throughout most of the plains states and eastern United States, especially where limestone soils are present. It is a tree of reddish wood giving off the scent of cedar chests and its crushed berries provide a whiff of the gin they once flavored. Thanks to its tolerance of heat, salt, a wide range of soils and other adverse conditions, Eastern Redcedar is also put to good use on the farm in windbreaks and in city landscapes for hedges, screens, clumps or even as specimen trees.

The Eastern red cedar is sometimes chosen as a Christmas tree but is not as popular as some of the other types of trees.

Dense pyramid shape excellent for windbreaks and screens. Birds love its berries. Medium green foliage. Likes full sun. Tolerant of most soils. Matures at 40' - 50'.

Wildlife Value:
Eastern Redcedar twigs and foliage are eaten by browsers. Seeds are eaten most extensively by cedar waxwings, a grayish-brown bird.. Evergreen foliage provides nesting and roosting cover for sparrows, robins, mockingbirds, juncos, and warblers.

The Eastern Red cedar is an ancient tree, dating back to aboriginal America, where fossil evidence indicates it covered large portions of the continent.

The early explorers took note of the tree. Arthur Barlowe and Phillip Amadus were quoted as saying the trees were "the tallest and reddest cedars in the world" when they arrived at Roanoke Island in 1564. Colonial craftsmen lost no time in using the wood from the Eastern Red cedar for furniture and fences as it had superior weathering capability and was easy to work with. The wood was a staple of the pencil industry for over a century until supplies became exhausted and the industry switched to more plentiful western cedars. Birds are very fond of the berries, the Cedar Waxwing taking its name from the tree whose fruit is its favorite food.

Cedar Tree Trivia

Cedar Trees belong to the Cypress family and may also be referred to as arbor vitae or tree of life.

The heartwood of young cedar trees often rots due to the lack of natural oils. As a result the mature cedar trees often have hollow trunks which make great homes for various forest animals.

The Cedar Tree is depicted on Lebanon's flag, symbolizing immortality and tolerance.

Solomon's temple was made entirely of cedar wood, cut from the great cedar forests of Lebanon

Eastern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) can be seen growing from cracks in rocks and swamps. Its bark is soft and peels easily and was used to make crafts, in construction and for medicine.

White tailed deer eat the twigs of the cedar tree during the winter months.

It is believed that tea, made from the bark and leaves of the Eastern white cedar was the cure for scurvy amongst Jaques Cartier's crew. Hence the Thuja species was nicknamed arbor vitae or "tree of life".

Pencils are made from Incense Cedar

Cedar is used in incense, usually in the form of sawdust. The pungent resin is easily released as smoke.

Furniture makers use cedar to line blanket boxes because the oil from the cedar tree is a natural insect repellent thus protecting its contents.

Cedar Wood

Western red cedar wood is popular for outdoor construction projects like fences, decks and shingles as it is decay-resistant.

Cigar-box cedar or Spanish cedar is used to line blanket boxes as it repels moths from ruining blankets or clothing that is stored inside and it has a pleasant fragrance.

Spanish cedar has been listed in CITES as an endangered species.

Cedar wood is not recommended for use in saunas. The moisture and humidity causes the cedar to turn black and look dirty after a short period of time. Mold causes health problems and an unpleasant odour.

The richly grained Cedar lumber is perfect for outdoor projects such as decks, fences, gazebos, pool cabanas, and garden sheds as it is extremely weather resistant.

Cedar is virtually pitch and resin free, the wood easily accepts a range of finishes, from fine oils and stains, to solid coatings and paint.

Cedar Trees Pictures

Cedar Tree Pictures 1 - Cedar Tree Pictures 2

Impressive Photos of Cedar Trees

Cedar Tree Hedge Cedar Trees Cedar Tree Row
Cedar Tree Leaves Cedar Tree Bark Cedar Tree Lane
Cedar Tree Hedge with Gate Cedar Tree Leaf

Cedar Tree Comments

Cedar Trees: Love the smell of the cedar when you rub the leaves in your fingers. One can also slow burn the green cedar branches with leaves to create a lovely sweet cedar smoke scent

Cedar Tree Care

Cedars: Cedar Tree | Tree:Cedar+Emerald at

Cedar trees do bend well under the weight of heavy wet snow and when hit with ice storms. The green cedar branches do return somewhat but it is best to beat off any heavy snow build up right away.

Smash any ice build up off but be careful as damage will occur to the cedar leaves and branches because ice has adhered to the leaves. If you have a cedar hedge, the importance and task grows with the number of trees you have.

How does one tie back 25+ cedars trees? Time consuming headache, Lots of stakes and ropes.

Cedar Tree Hedge

Cedar trees are evergreen, leaves stay on year round, and make great privacy hedges to hide objects such as transformers, fire hydrants, neighbors old car ... and Spring time is a great growing time to plant cedars as the ground is wet, the sun not too hot to dry out the soil, so your maintenance of the trees is minimal and risk of tree loss is at it's lowest.

Emerald Cedar Trees

Emerald or pyramidal cedar is readily sold by the truck load at the local building store and garden centers in Spring. Pyramidal cedar's bright green dense leaf foliage are great for decorative hedges but if privacy is a concern the emerald or pyramidal cedar must be planted close together and given many years to offer the privacy of a fence.

White or black cedar trees make better privacy hedges. These can to be found at your higher end garden or landscape center. These cedars will grow together better into a wider and taller hedge that will offer you the privacy, wind protection and hide any large objects that you don't want to see.

Are Your Cedar Trees Turning Brown?

Here are some of the reasons why your cedar trees are turning brown.

  1. Drought Stress - not enough water
  2. Flagging - normal process during tree growth
  3. Insects - spider mites, weevils
  4. Disease - root rot, fungus that flourishes in overly damp soil

Cedar Trees Trimmed

Cedar hedges which are trimmed and shaped at least once a year always look best.

Cedar Hedge

Eastern White Cedar trees are the most popular trees for creating a natural hedge. They are inexpensive, easy to transplant and grow quickly. They are an excellent choice as a privacy fence, windbreak, or for noise reduction.

Cedars can serve two privacy purposes. One to prevent neighboring eyes from seeing you ... and second to prevent and hide undesirable objects from your view.

Cedar Hedge Privacy Example: a neighbors driveway borders your property and now mature 20 foot (6 metre) high cedars hide the activity of coming and going of traffic.

Cedar Hedges

Cedars are the perfect option to create a living fence. A mature cedar hedge offers great year round privacy but can also be used to define and remind your neighbors where your property line is.

Cedar tree hedges on larger properties can be used to section areas of the property, run along pathways, frame vegetable gardens and decorate long fence lines, they can also be planted as a feature in your garden.

A hedge is the simplest form of topiary and is used to create boundaries, walls or screens.

Dieback of cedar hedging is fairly common and can be caused for a variety of reasons. If the whole tree has died it suggests damage to the root system either during planting or due to environmental stresses. Cedar hedges are less likely to die as a result of disease, insects, or injury caused by the animal population.

Cedar Mulch

Cedar mulch is a popular decorative landscape treatment for garden beds.

Cedar mulch is processed from the bark and unused materials from lumber and wood production. Cedar mulch suppresses weed growth, conserves water, minimizes soil erosion and is a natural insect repellent.

You can purchase cedar mulch in a variety of colors. Cedar mulch has a natural reddish hue but can be dyed brown, black or bright red. The pigments are derived from natural sources and will not harm people, pets or plants. Over time the cedar mulch will fade when exposed to sunlight.

You may not want to use cedar mulch in your vegetable garden as it could be phytotoxic to your plants.

Cedar Incense

Natural red cedar incense is a by product of the timber industry. You can purchase red cedar incense in the form of cones or sticks. The sweet smell of fresh cut cedar can transform any room into a comfy log cabin in the woods. The fragrance creates a mood of tranquility and peace of mind.

Cedar of Lebanon

The national emblem of Lebanon. This tree is valued for its high quality wood. This cedar was used in the construction of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem as well as the ship building industry.

Log Home Construction

You might be wondering what types of trees are used to build log homes. The logs used for your home should be graded for structural use. Your choice of logs may depend on cost, availability and preference. Your log cabin may be built from pine, douglas fir, spruce, cedar, oak or cypress.

The cost of your home will depend on the wood you choose. Pine is the most affordable because there is plenty of it. Cedar is known for its aromatic scent and the mighty oak for its strength and variety of grain and color.

What to Consider When Buying Cedar Trees?

A:One thing you must do is to inspect the trees: Confirm the health of the trees, thick leaf growth, the cedars are to be freshly dug and are well-established mature trees.

B: Consider where are your planting the trees, is it good soil and moist conditions

C: Calculate how many linear feet you would like or need to create your hedge - alternatively how many trees do you need planted if a alternating a two row wind break.

D: What do you want your hedge line to look? Need instant privacy height of 6 to 8 feet? Or do you plan to trim them squared off or rounded .. alternately happy to let them grow naturally

E: Is there a guarantee on the trees and what are the conditions.

Thank you for visiting our Cedar Tree Pictures, please feel free to check out more great tree pictures on our tree page list!

Cedar Tree References

Cedar Trees Allergies; Cedar Tree Pollen, Cedar Tree species most responsible for Cedar Fever is the Ashe Juniper

Western Red Cedar Trees; Thuja plicata, go to link to view pictures of Western Red Cedar Trees and Western Red Cedar Tree Facts

Yellow Cedar Trees; large sized cedar tree, to 80 feet tall, 24 metres high, referred as the Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, pictures of Yellow Cedar Trees and Yellow Cedar Tree Facts

Eastern Red Trees medium sized cedar tree, 35-65 feet tall(10-20 metres high). Red cedar tree some times referred to as just cedar tree, juniper, savin, evergreen, cedar apple, and Virginia red cedar. The red cedar is used by many tribes for incense, ritual, tea and medicine, for many tribes the red cedar tree symbolizes the tree of life Eastern Red Trees

Cedar Tree Poaching; Largest and oldest Cedar Trees live over 800 plus years Red Cedar Trees

Cedar Shoe Trees Crafted out of cedar wood. shoe trees help remove moisture and odor from your shoes, they are made expandable to maintain the shape of your shoes for a long time.

Type of Trees

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Oak Tree Leaf: Spring Oak Leaf in Sun

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Maples: New Maple Tree Leaf

Maple Trees

Magnolia Flower: Star Magnolia Tree

Magnolia Library

Oak Tree Leaf: Spring Oak Leaf in Sun

Oak Tree Gallery

Cherry Trees: Cherry Tree Branch Shadows Winter Snow

Cherry Trees

Red Bud Blooms: Beautiful Red Pink Flowers of the Redbud Tree

Red Bud Trees

Pine Tree: Picture of White Pine Trees Needles

Pine Tree Gallery

Rhododenrons Flowers: Blooming Rhododenron Tree Shrub Photos, Images, Picture Library, In May at the Eiffel Tower, Paris

Rhododendron: France

Oak Tree Leaf: Fall Oak Leaf's Reflection

Oak Tree Library

Creative Birdhouse Designs

Bird Houses

Christmas Lights

Christmas Tree

Christmas Gazebo Xmas Picture

Xmas Decorations

Palm Trees, Picture of the Palm Tree Leaves

Palm Trees

Maple Trees, Photo of Red Japanese Maple Landscaping Design

Japanese Maple

Willow Trees, Picture of Willow Tree

Willow Trees

Park Trees, Picture of Flooded Park Bench & Trees


Rose Shrub Flower, Picture of Pink Rose Shrub Flower with Rain Droplets, Image of Roses


Maple Trees, Photo Green Maple Tree Leaf with Rain Droplets, Image of Maple Trees

Maple Trees

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