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Tree Types
List of Different Types of Trees

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Tree Types

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Type of Tree Facts

Facts about the tree types can be found at the bottom of each tree page.

There are over 20,000 different kinds of trees in the world.

Some Benefits of Trees

  • Trees provide oxygen to the environment
  • Trees provide shade and shelter
  • Trees mark the seasons, spring, summer, fall, and winter
  • Trees prevent soil erosion
  • Trees provide food and shelter for wildlife
  • Trees provide wood for construction
  • Trees provide beauty to a neighborhood, parks and forests

Explore & enjoy these different types, names, species and varieties of Trees at

List of Tree Types
& Scientific Names

Types of Trees: Ailanthus

Ailanthus, Tree of Heaven
Ailanthus altissima

Types of Trees: Alder

Alder, Common
Alnus glutinosa

Alder, Smooth
Alnus serrulata

Alder, Speckled
Alnus incana

Types of Trees: Apple

Apple Tree, Common
Malus Domestica

Apple, Cortland
Malus domestica Cortland

Apple Tree, Golden Delicious
Malus domestica Golden Delicious

Apple, Empire
Malus Empire

Apple Tree, Honey Crisp Apple, Honey Crisp

Apple, Macintosh

Apple, Pink Lady

Apple, Spartan

Types of Trees: Arborvitae

Arborvitae Tree

Types of Trees: Ash

Ash Tree, Black
Fraxinus nigra

Ash, Blue
Fraxinus quadrangulata

Ash, European
Fraxinus excelsior

Ash, Green
Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Ash, Pumpkin
Fraxinus profunda

Ash, Red
Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Ash, White
Fraxinus americana

Ash, European Mountain
Sorbus aucuparia

Types of Trees: Aspen

Aspen, Bigtooth
Populus grandidentata

Aspen, Chinese
Populus adenopoda

Aspen, European
Populus tremula

Aspen, Japanese
Populus sieboldii

Aspen, Korean
Populus davidiana

Aspen, Quaking
Populus tremuloides

Bald Cypress Tree
Taxodium distichum

Types of Trees: Basswood

Basswood, American
Tilia americana

Basswood, Big Leaf
Tilia platyphyllos

Basswood, Crimean
Tilia x euchlora

Basswood, Little Leaf
Tilia cordata

Basswood, Silver
Tilia tomentosa

Types of Trees: Beech

Beech, American
Fagus grandifolia

Beech, Copper
Fagus Sylvatica

Beech, European
Fagus sylvatica

Beech, Tricolor
Purpurea Tricolor

Beech, Weeping
Fagus sylvatica pendula

Beech, Weeping Purple
Fagus sylvatica purpures pendula

Types of Trees: Birch

Birch, Black
Betula nigra

Birch, European
Betula pendula

Birch, Paper
Betula papyrifera

Birch Tree, River
Betula nigra L.

Birch Sweet
Betula lenta

Birch, White
Betula papyrifera

Birch, Yellow
Betula alleghaniensis

Types of Trees: Blackgum

Blackgum Tree
Nyssa sylvatica

Acer negundo

Types of Trees: Buckeye

Buckeye, Ohio
Aesculus glabra

Buckeye, Red
Aesculus pavia

Buckeye, Sweet
Aesculus octandra

Buckeye, Yellow
Aesculus flava

Types of Trees: Butternut

Butternut Tree
Juglans cinerea

Types of Trees: Catalpa

Catalpa, Chinese
Catalpa ovata

Catalpa, Northern
Catalpa speciosa

Catalpa, Southern
Catalpa bignonioides

Types of Trees: Cedar

Cedar, Eastern Red
Juniperus virginiana

Cedar, Northern White
Thuja occidentalis

Cedar, Red
Juniperus virginiana

Cedar, Western Red
Thuja plicata

Types of Trees: Cherry

Cherry, Black
Prunus serotina

Cherry, Flowering
Prunus serrulata

Cherry, Manchurian
Prunus maackii

Cherry, Sweet
Prunus avium

Cherry Tree, Yoshino
Prunus yedoensis

Weeping Cherry Tree
Prunus subhirtella (Pendula)

Types of Trees: Chestnut

Chestnut, American
Castanea dentata

Chestnut, Chinese
Castanea mollissima

Chestnut, Chinquapin
Castanea pumila

Chestnut, European
Casanea sativa

Chestnut, Japanese
Castanea crenata

Types of Trees: Christmas

Balsam Fir
Abies balsamea

Canaan Fir
Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis

Douglas Fir
Pseudotsuga menziesii

Fraser Fir
Abies fraseri

Grand Fir
Abies grandis

Noble Fir
Abies procera

Concolor Fir (White Fir)
Abies concolor

Types of Trees: Coffeetree

Coffeetree, Kentucky
Gymnocladus dioicus

Types of Trees: Corktree

Corktree, Amur
Phellodendron amurense

Cork Oak
Quercus suber

Types of Trees: Cottonwood

Cottonwood, Eastern
Populus deltoides

Cottonwood, Black
Populus trichocarpa

Cottonwood, Fremont
Populus fremontii

Types of Trees: Crabapple

Crabapple, Sweet
Malus coronaria

Crabapple, Chinese Pearleaf
Malus asiatica

Crabapple, Japanese
Malus floribunda

Crabapple, Pacific
Malus fusca

Crabapple, Siberian
Malus baccata

Crabapple, Southern
Malus angustifolia

Types of Trees: Cypress

Arizona Cypress
Cupressus arizonica

Bald Cypress
Taxodium distichum

Leyland Cypress
Cupressocyparis leylandii

Pond Cypress
Taxodium ascendens

Types of Trees: Dogwood

Dogwood, Chinese
Cornus kousa

Dogwood, Cornelian Cherry
Cornus mas

Dogwood, Flowering
Cornus florida

Dogwood, Kousa
Cornus kousa

Dogwood Pacific
Cornus nuttallii

Types of Trees: Ebony

Ebony, Ceylon
Diospyros ebenum

Ebony, Macassar
Diospyros celebica

Ebony, Mun
Diospyros mun

Types of Trees: Elm

Elm, American
Ulmus americana

Elm, Chinese
Ulmus parvifolia

Elm, English
Ulmus procera

Elm, Slippery
Ulmus rubra

Elm, Siberian
Ulmus pumila

Elm, European White
Ulmus laevis

Types of Trees: Fir

Fir, Balsam
Abies balsamea

Fir, Fraser
Abies fraseri

Fir, Grand
Abies grandis

Fir, Himalayan
Abies fraseri

Fir, Korean
Abies koreana

Fir, Noble
Abies procera

Fir, Nordmann
Abies nordmanniana

Fir, Red
Abies magnifica

Fir, Silver
Abies alba

Fir, Spanish
Abies pinsapo

Fir, Subalpine
Abies lasiocarpa

White Fir
Abies concolor

Types of Trees: Fringe

Fringe Tree
Chionanthus virginicus

Fringe Tree, Chinese
Chionanthus retusus

Types of Trees: Ginkgos

Ginkgo Biloba, Autumn Gold

Ginkgo Biloba, Fastigiata

Ginkgo Biloba, Fairmont

Ginkgo Biloba, Jade Butterflies

Ginkgo Biloba, Lakeview

Ginkgo Biloba, Mariken

Ginkgo Biloba, Princeton Sentry

Ginkgo Biloba, Santa Cruz

Types of Trees: Goldenrain

Goldenrain Tree
Koelreuteria paniculata

Types of Trees: Hackberry

Common Hackberry
Celtis occidentalis

Types of Trees: Hawthorn

Cockspur Hawthorn
Crataegus crus-galli

Common Hawthorn
Crataegus monogyna

Downy Hawthorn
Crataegus mollis

English Hawthorn
Crataegus laevigata

Washington Hawthorn
Crataegus phaenopyrum

Types of Trees: Hemlock

Hemlock, Carolina
Tsuga caroliniana

Hemlock, Eastern
Tsuga canadensis

Hemlock, Mountain
Tsuga mertensiana

Hemlock, Sargent Weeping
Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula'

Hemlock, Western
Tsuga heterophylla

Types of Trees: Hickory

Hickory, Bitternut
Carya cordiformis

Hickory, Mockernut
Carya tomentosa

Hickory, Pignut
Carya glabra

Hickory, Shagbark
Carya ovata

Hickory, Shellbark
Carya laciniosa

Types of Trees: Hornbeam

Hornbeam, American
Carpinus caroliniana

Hornbeam, European
Carpinus betulus

Hornbeam, Japanese
Carpinus japonica

Types of Trees: Horse Chestnut

Aesculus hippocastanum

Types of Trees: Iron Wood

Iron Wood Tree
Ostrya virginiana

Types of Trees: Larch

Larch, American
Larix laricina

Larch, European
Larix decidua

Larch, Japanese
Larix leptolepis

Larix laricina

Types of Trees: Lilac

Lilac, Asessippi
Syringa hyacinthiflora

Lilac, Common
Syringa vulgaris

Lilac, Japanese
Syringa reticulata

Lilac, Persian
Syringa persica

Types of Trees: Linden

Linden, American
Tilia americana

Linden, Little-leaf
Tilia cordata

Linden, Common
Tilia x europaea

Linden, Nasczokin
Tilia nasczokinii

Linden, Silver
Tilia tomentosa

Types of Trees: Locust

Locust Tree, Black
Robinia pseudoacacia

Locust, HoneyLocust Thornless
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis

Types of Trees: Magnolia

Magnolia, Alexandrina
Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alexandrina'

Magnolia, Elizabeth
Magnolia x elizabeth

Magnolia, Saucer
Magnolia x soulangeana

Magnolia, Tulip
Magnolia x soulangeana

Star Magnolia
Magnolia, Stellata

Magnolia, Black Tulip
Magnolia × soulangeana 'Black Tulip'

Merrill Magnolia
Magnolia x loebneri 'Merrill'

Southern Magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora

Sweetbay Magnolia
Magnolia virginiana

Magnolias: The Little Girl Hybrids

Magnolia, Spectrum
Magnolia x soulangeana 'Spectrum'

Magnolia Cucumber
Magnolia acuminata

Types of Trees: Maple

Maple Tree, Amur
Acer ginnala

Maple Tree, Ash-leafed
Acer negundo

Maple Tree, Black
Acer nigrum

Maple Tree, English Field
Acer campestre

Maple Tree, Crimson King
Acer platanoides

Maple Tree, Full Moon
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'

Maple, Harlequin
Acer platanoides 'Drummondii'

Maple, Japanese
Acer palmatum

Maple Tree, Manitoba
Acer negundo

Maple Tree, Mountain
Acer spicatum

Maple, Norway
Acer platanoides L.

Maple, Paperbark
Acer griseum

Maple, Planetree
Acer pseudoplatanus

Maple Tree, Red
Acer rubrum

Maple, Silver
Acer saccharinum

Maple Tree, Striped
Acer pensylvanicum

Maple, Sugar
Acer saccharum

Types of Trees: Monkey

Monkey Puzzle Tree
Araucaria araucana

Types of Trees: Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash, American
Sorbus americana

Mountain Ash, European
Sorbus aucuparia

Types of Trees: Mulberry

Mulberry, Black
(American Mulberry)
Morus nigra

Mulberry, Paper
Broussonetia papyrifera

Mulberry, Weeping
Morus alba pendula

Mulberry, Red
Morus rubra

Mulberry, White
Morus alba

Types of Trees: Oak

Oak, Black
Quercus velutina

Oak, Blackjack
Quercus marilandica

Oak, Bur
Quercus macrocarpa

Oak, Chestnut
Quercus prinus

Oak, Chinquapin
(also Chinkapin Oak)
Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm

Oak, Cork
Quercus suber

Oak Daimyo
Quercus dentata

Oak, English
Quercus robur

Oak, Live
Quercus virginiana

Oak, Pin
Quercus palustris

Oak, Post
Quercus stellata

Oak, Red
Quercus rubra

Oak, Northern Red
Quercus rubra

Oak, Scarlet
Quercus coccinea

Oak, Shingle
Quercus imbricaria

Oak, Shumard
Quercus shumardii

Oak, Southern Red
Quercus falcata

Oak, Spanish
Quercus falcata

Oak, Swamp White
Quercus bicolor

Oak, White
Quercua alba

Types of Trees: Olive

European Olive
Olea europaea

Olive, Russian
Elaeagnus angustifolia

Osage, Orange
Maclura pomifera

Pagodatree, Japanese

Types of Trees: Palm

Bismarck Palm
Bismarckia nobilis

Chinese Fan Palm
Livistona chinensi

Christmas Palm
Veitchia merillii

Coconut Palm
Cocos nucifera

Edible Date Palm
Phoenix dactilifera

Royal Palm
Roystonea regia

Types of Trees: Peach

Peach, Clingstone

Peach, Freestone

Peach, Yellow

Peach, White

Types of Trees: Pear

Pear, European
Pyrus communis

Pear, Callery
Pyrus calleryana

Pear, Asian
Pyrus pyrifolia

Types of Trees: Persimmon

Persimmon, American
Diospyros virginiana

Persimmon, Black
Diospyros digyna

Persimmon, Indian
Diospyros peregrina

Persimmon, Japanese
Diospyros kaki

Persimmon, Texas
Diospyros texana

Types of Trees: Pine

Pine, Austrian
Pinus nigra

Pine, Eastern White
Pinus strobus

Pine, Norway
Pinus resinosa

Pine, Pitch
Pinus rigida

Pine, Red
Pinus resinosa

Pine, Scotch
Pinus sylvestris

Pine, Scrub
Pinus clausa

Pine, Shortleaf
Pinus echinata

Pine, Sugar Pinus lambertiana

Pine, Virginia
Pinus virginiana

Pine, White
Pinus strobus

Planetree, London
Platinus x acerifolia

Types of Trees: Plum

Plum, American
Prunus americana

Plum, Canada
Prunus nigra

Plum, Flowering
Prunus cerasifera

Types of Trees: Poplar

Poplar, Yellow (Tulip Tree)
Liriodendron tulipifera

Poplar, Grey
Populus canescens

Poplar Balsam
Populus balsamifera

Poplar White
Populus alba

Types of Trees: Redbud

Redbud, Eastern
Cercis canadensis

Redbud, Chinese
Cercis chinensis

Judas Tree
Cercis siliquastrum

Redbud, Western
Cercis occidentalis

Types of Trees: Redwood

Redwood Giant
Sequoiadendron giganteum

Redwood Coast
Sequoia sempervirens

Types of Trees: Rowan

Ash, Mountain
Sorbus americana

Rowan Common
Sorbus aucuparia

Rowan, Chinese Scarlet
Sorbus commixta

Rowan, Sargent's
Sorbus sargentiana

Types of Trees: Sassafras

Sassafras albidum

Types of Trees: Serviceberry

Allegheny Serviceberry
Amelanchier laevis

Apple Serviceberry
Amelanchier x grandiflora

Canadian Serviceberry
Amelanchier canadensis

Common Serviceberry
Amelanchier arborea

Amelanchier lamarckii

Round-Leaved Serviceberry
Amelanchier sanguinea

Saskatoon Serviceberry
Amelanchier alnifolia

Snowy Mespilus
Amelanchier ovalis

Utah Serviceberry
Amelanchier utahensis

Types of Trees: Silverbell

Silverbell, Carolina
Halesia carolina

Silverbell, Chinese
Halesia macgregorii

Silverbell, Common
Halesia tetraptera

Silverbell, Mountain
Halesia monticola

Silverbell, Two-wing
Halesia diptera

Styrax japonicus

Oxydendrum arboreum

Types of Trees: Spruce

Spruce, Colorado Blue
Picea pungens

Spruce, Norway
Picea abies

Spruce, Red
Picea rubens

Spruce, Serbian
Picea omorika

Spruce, Sitka
Picea sitchensis

Spruce, White
Picea glauca

Types of Trees: Sumac

Sumac, Poison
Rhus Toxicodendron vernix

Sumac, Smooth
Rhus glabra

Sumac, Staghorn
Rhus typhina

Sumac, Tobacco
Rhus virens

Sweetgum, American
Liquidambar styraciflua

Types of Trees: Sycamore

Sycamore, American
Platanus occidentalis

Sycamore, English
Platanus x acerifolia

Sycamore, Maple
Acer pseudoplatanus

Ailanthus altissima

Tupelo, Black
Nyssa sylvatica

Types of Trees: Walnut

Walnut, Black
Juglans nigra

Walnut, English
Juglans regia

Walnut, White
Juglans cinerea

Types of Trees: Willow

Willow, Babylon Weeping
Salix babylonica

Willow, Black-toothed
Salix nigra

Willow, Crack
Salix fragilis

Willow, Glaucous
Salix glauca

Willow, Pussy
Salix caprea

Willow, Shining
Salix lucida

Willow, Weeping
Salix babylonica

Willow, White
Salix alba

Types of Trees: Yellowwood

Cladrastis kentukea

Types of Trees: Zelkova

Zelkova, Chinese
Zelkova sinica

Zelkova, Cretan
Zelkova abelicea

Zelkova, Caucasian
Zelkova carpinifolia

Zelkova, Japanese
Zelkova serrata

Zelkova, Schneider's
Zelkova schneideriana

Zelkova, Sicilian
Zelkova sicula

Identification of Tree Types

To view each tree image in more detail, just click on the photo you like to enlarge the tree picture.

To view more pictures and learn interesting facts about a particular tree type, just click on the title tag below the picture and it will take you to the corresponding page.

tree picture

White Elm

Tree Photos, Red Maple Tree Leaves

Red Maple

Cedar Tree: Red Cedar Trees Seeds Picture

Red Cedar

 beech tree picture

European Beech

Tree Photos, Black Ash Tree Leaves

Black Ash

Oak Tree: Red Oak Tree Leaves

Red Oak

 hickory tree picture

Shagbark Hickory

Palm Tree Frond


Pine Tree: White Pine Needles with Pine Cone

White Pine

 sycamore tree picture


Poplar Leaf Identification


Magnolia Tree with Blossom


 sycamore tree picture


Poplar Leaf Identification


fir tree picture


mountain ash leaves and berries

Mountain Ash

Lilac Bloom


chestnut tree leaves


State Trees of America

  • The State Tree of Alabama is the Southern Longleaf Pine
  • The State Tree of Alaska is the Sitka Spruce
  • The State Tree of Arizona is the Palo Verde
  • The State Tree of Arkansas is the Pine
  • The State Tree of California is the California Redwood
  • The State Tree of Colorado is the Colorado Blue Spruce
  • The State Tree of Connecticut is the White Oak
  • The State Tree of Delaware is the American Holly
  • The State Tree of Florida is the Sabal Palm
  • The State Tree of Georgia is the Live Oak
  • The State Tree of Hawaii is the Candlenut (Kukui)
  • The State Tree of Idaho is the Western White Pine
  • The State Tree of Illinois is the White Oak
  • The State Tree of Indiana is the Tulip Tree
  • The State Tree of Iowa is the Oak Tree
  • The State Tree of Kansas is the Cottonwood
  • The State Tree of Kentucky is the Tulip Poplar
  • The State Tree of Louisiana is the Bald Cypress
  • The State Tree of Maine is the White Pine
  • The State Tree of Maryland is the White Oak
  • The State Tree of Massachusetts is the Elm
  • The State Tree of Michigan is the White Pine
  • The State Tree of Minnesota is the Norway(Red)Pine
  • The State Tree of Mississippi is the Magnolia
  • The State Tree of Missouri is the Flowering Dogwood
  • The State Tree of Montana is the Ponderosa Pine
  • The State Tree of Nebraska is the Eastern Cottonwood
  • The State Tree of Nevada is the Single-Leaf Pinon
  • The State Tree of New Hampshire is the White Birch
  • The State Tree of New Jersey is the Red Oak
  • The State Tree of New Mexico is the Pinon Pine
  • The State Tree of New York is the Sugar Maple
  • The State Tree of North Carolina is the Pine
  • The State Tree of North Dakota is the American Elm
  • The State Tree of Ohio is the Buckeye
  • The State Tree of Oklahoma is the Redbud
  • The State Tree of Oregon is the Douglas Fir
  • The State Tree of Pennsylvania is the Hemlock
  • The State Tree of Rhode Island is the Red Maple
  • The State Tree of South Carolina is the Palmetto
  • The State Tree of South Dakota is the Black Hills Spruce
  • The State Tree of Tennessee is the Tulip Poplar
  • The State Tree of Texas is the Pecan
  • The State Tree of Utah is the Blue Spruce
  • The State Tree of Vermont is the Sugar Maple
  • The State Tree of Virginia is the American Dogwood
  • The State Tree of Washington is the Western Hemlock
  • The State Tree of West Virginia is the Sugar Maple
  • The State Tree of Wisconsin is the Sugar Maple
  • The State Tree of Wyoming is the Plains Cottonwood

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