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Maple Trees

Maple Tree Pictures Gallery contains many photos of different varieties of maple trees, maple leaf close ups and maple tree facts.

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Maple Tree Gallery consists of two pages of maple images with an impressive maple tree photos feature and a maple leaf page.

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Maple Tree Images

Maples: Red Orange Maple Tree Leaf | Tree:Maple+Leaf at

Maple trees hold the wisdom of balance, promise and practical magic. Maple trees are famous for their fall colors and delicious maple syrup. Full size each Maple Tree photo below you like, just click on the tree image to make the Maple Tree enlarge. Enjoy these beautiful colorful pictures of Maple Trees.

Maples: Pictures, Photos & Images of Maple Trees

Maple Trees, Red Leaf Maple Tree Photo, Sugar Maple variety produces Maple Syrup | Maple Trees at

Red Maple Tree

Sugar Maple Tree, Large Maple Tree planted at Remmington Golf Course, 12-16 metres high(50') planted about 40-50 years ago, Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Maple Trees at

Sugar Maple Tree

Maple Tree Leaves in Summer | Maple Trees at

Maple Leaves

Background of Maple Trees at Edge of Farmer's Field | Maple Trees at

Maple Farm

Maple Trees, Green Leafed Maple Tree Photo, In Spring. Sugar Maple variety produces Maple Syrup | Maple Trees @

Maple Trees

Old Maple Tree, Large Maple Tree Species planted on Farm Rural Road lot line, 12-16 metres high(50') planted about 50+ years ago with some wood decay, Ontario, Canada | Maple Trees @

Large Maple Tree

Japanese Maple: Photos of Red Japanese Maple Trees

Maple Trees, Ornamental Japanese Maple Trees in Japanese Garden at Guelph Arboretum | Maple Trees @

Japanese Maple Trees

Japanese Maple, Urban Red Maple Tree Species planted on Corner of House, 1.5 metres high(5-6') planted about 3 years ago| Red Japanese Maples @

Young Japanese Maple

Maple Trees, Striking Photo of Japanese Maple Losing its Leaves in the Fall | Maple Trees @

Japanese Maple in Fall

Burgundy Red Leaves of the Japanese Maple | Red Japanese Maples @

Red Maple Tree Leaves

Red Maple Tree: Type of Maple Tree Species

Maples, Bright Red Maple Trees in Autumn | Tree:Maple+Red @

Red Maple Trees

Maple Leaves, Two Red Maple Tree Leaf Comparison | Tree:Maple+Red+Leaf @

Red Maple Leaves

Striking Image of Red Maple Looking Up Through the Branches of a Red Maple Tree | Tree:Maple+Red @

Crown of Red Maple Tree

Red Maples: Unique Image of a Red Maple Leaf | Tree:Maple+Red+Leaf @

Red Maple Leaf

Leaves From A Red Maple Tree | Tree: Maple+Red+Leaves @

Red Maple Tree Branches

Leaf From A Red Maple Tree | Tree: Maple+Red+Leaf @

Maple Red Leaf

Red Maple: 4 Maple Tree Leaf Line Up - Autumn | Tree:Maple+Red+Autumn at

Different Sized Red Maple Leaves All In A Row

Maple: Crimson King Type of Norway Maple Tree

Maples, Crimson King Norway Maple Tree Type | Tree:Maple+Norway+CrimsonKing @

Crimson King Maple

Norway Maple Leaf, Crimson King Norway Maple Tree Leaf | Tree:Maple+Norway+CrimsonKing+Leaf @

Crimson King Maple Leaves

Maples, Crimson King Norway Maple Tree Type | Tree:Maple+Norway+CrimsonKing @

Wasp Nest in Maple Tree

Norway Maple Leaf, Crimson King Norway Maple Tree Leaf | Tree:Maple+Norway+CrimsonKing+Leaf @

Norway Maple Leaf Image

Maple: Silver Maple Tree

Maples, Silver Maple Tree Type | Tree:Maple+Silver @

Silver Maple

Silver Maple Tree Leaf | Tree:Maple+Silver+Leaf @

Silver Maple Leaf

Silver Maple Bark, Bark of Silver Maple Tree | Tree:Maple+Silver+Bark @

Silver Maple Bark

Silver Maple Tree Leaf, Backside | Tree:Maple+Silver+Leaf @

Silver Maple Leaf - Back View

Maples: Harlequin Maple Tree

Maples: Harlequin Maple Tree Type Picture, 12-15 metres high | Tree:Maple+Harlequin @

Striking Harlequin Maple

Maples: Harlequin Maple Tree Leaf| Tree:Maple+Harlequin+Leaf @

Harlequin Maple Leaf

Maples: Harlequin Maple Tree Leaves | Tree:Maple+Harlequin+Leaves @

Harlequin Maple Leaves

Maples: Harlequin Maple Tree | Tree:Maple+Tree+Harlequin @

Harlequin Maple

Maple: Black Maple Tree

Picture of Maple Tree: Black Maple Tree Type Photo, 15+ metres high | Tree:Maple+Black @

Black Maple Canopy

Picture of Maple Trees: Black Maple Identification | Tree:Maple+Black+Leaf+Seed @

Black Maple Leaf

Maples: More Japanese Maple Tree Photos

Japanese Maples: Photo of Blood Red Japanese Maple Tree

Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple Landscaping: Urban Japanese Maple Tree Picture

Japanese Maple Tree

Japanese Maples: Photo of Blood Red Japanese Maple Leaf

Japanese Maple Leaf

Maple Seeds: Nature's Helicopters

Maple Tree Seeds: Photos of Maples Pods in Autumn

Maple Seeds

Maple Tree: New Maples Start Picture

Maple Seed Growth

3 Maple Trees

Dispersed Maple Seeds

aple Tree Sapling: Photos of a Garden Norway Maple

Norway Maple Sapling

Maple Seed: New Maples Are Produced From Seeds Picture

Maple Seed Key

Red Maples: New Red Maple Leaf Picture

Red Maple Growth

Maple Tree Diseases Pictures

Maple Trees; Picture, Photo of Maple Trees Disease Starting From Top and Outer Branches

Diseased Maple

Maple Trees; Picture, Photo of Maple Trees Wood Bugs Disease, Wood Boring Beetles Kills Trees, Disease Starts From Top and Outer Branches

Diseased Maple Bark

Maple Trees; Picture of Asian Longhorn Bettle, a Wood Boring Bug that Kills Maples

Asian Longhorn Beetle

Maple Tree: More Photos of the Maple Species

Maple Tree Pictures: Maple Trees in Summer Maple Tree Pictures: A Summer Picture of Sugar Maple Tree Maple Tree Pictures: Fall Picture of a Newly Planted Sugar Maple Tree on Farmers Property Line

Maple Tree Path

Sugar Maple Tree

Young Maple Tree

Maple Tree Pictures: Row of Maples

Row of Maples

Maple Tree Pictures: Two Toned Leaves of the Harlequin Maple

Harlequin Maple


Maple Tree Pictures: Maple Tree Bark and Leaves

Maple Tree

Maple Tree Pictures: Maple Tree Leaves and Solar Panels

Maple Leaf

Maple Tree Pictures: Maple Trees

Maple Tree Path

maple tree picture

Red Maple

maple tree picture

Orange Maple

maple tree picture

Fall Maple Tree

maple tree picture, Japanese Type

Fall Maple Tree

Maple Tree Picture

Tall Maple Tree

maple tree picture

Red Maple Tree

maple tree picture maple tree picture maple tree picture
maple tree picture Japanese Maple tree picture maple tree picture
Maple Trees, Pictures, Photos of Maples Trees maple tree path maple tree bark

Sugar Maples: Turning Sugar Maple Tree Sap Into Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup, Sugar Maple Tree Produces Sap which is Boiled into Syrup

Collecting Maple Sap

Sugar Maples, Flat Pan Method of Making Maple Syrup

Flat Pan Method

Maple Tree Sap, Flat Pan Method of Making Maple Syrup

Boiling Maple Sap

Sugar Maple Tree, Sugar Maple Tree Produces Sap which is Boiled into Syrup

Sugar Maple Sap

Maple Syrup, Tapping of Maple Trees To Collect Sap Which Is Boiled To Make Maple Syrup

Sap Buckets

Full Bucket of Maple Tree Sap which is Boiled into Syrup

Maple Leaf Floating in Sap

Maple Syrup: Production of Syrup Starts with Collection of the Spring Sugar Maple Sap with a Sap Bucket, Sugar Maple Tree Sap is collected and then Boiled Down into Syrup

Maple Sap Bucket

Canadian Maple Syrup: Sugar Maple Syrup Products Sold from the collection and boiling down of the Maple Tree Sap into Syrup

Maple Syrup


The Maple Leaf: Autumn Leaf Photos of Maple Trees

Maple Tree LeafSugar Maple Maple Leaf, Acer LeafAcer Maple Maple Tree, Fall Red Japanese Maple Tree Leaves PictureSugar Maple
Maple Leaf: Red Maple Tree | Tree:Maple+Red+Leaf at The Maple Leaf and the Ladybird | Tree:Maple+Leaf at The Maple Tree LEAF
Maple Leaf: Three Autumn Maple Tree Leaves | Tree:Maple+Leaf at Maple Leaf: Colorful Autumn Maple Tree Leaf| Tree:Maple+Leaf at The Maple Leaf: Winter Maple Tree Leaf | Tree:Maple+Leaf+Winter at
Maple Tree Leaf Picture | Tree:Maple+Leaf at Maple Leaf: Fall Red Maple Tree Forest Leaves | Tree:Maple+Red+Autumn+Leaf at Green Maple Leaf, After The Rain | Tree:Maple+Leaf at
Maple Tree Leaf Picture Maples: Black Maple Tree Type Leaf Photo The Maple Tree LEAF
Autumn Maple Leaves Maple Leaf Impression in the Concrete Sidewalk Maple Leaf Designed Mail Box
Maple Leaf: Harlequin Maple Tree Leaves Maple Leaf: Spring Maple Tree Leaves Maple: Golden FullMoon Maple Tree Leaf
Maple Tree: Mountain Maple Tree Type Leaf Leaves Picture Maple: Snake Bark Maple Tree Type Leaf Photo Maple Tree Leaf
Maples: Japanese Maple Tree Type Green Leaf Leaves Picture Maple Leafs: Black Maple Leaf on Left - Sugar Maple Tree Leaf on Right Picture Maple Tree's Leaf: Picture of New Red Maple Tree Leaves
Maples Tree Pictures: Red Maple Tree Types Autumn Leaf Leaves Pictures of Maple Trees: Red Maple Tree Type with Red Autumn Leaf Leaves Maple Tree Pictures: Harlequin Maple Tree Type, Image Shows Three Size of Leaves and Variances of Green
Maples Tree Pictures: Fall Images of Red Maple Tree Types Leaf Maple Tree Pictures: Striking Harlequin Maple Leaf Maple Tree Pictures: Maple Tree Leaf Identification
Maples Tree Pictures: Maple Tree Type Harlequin Maple    

Maple Leaves

Maple Leaf: Leaves of Maple Trees Raked into Pile for Collection | Tree:Maple+Autumn+Leaves at

Maple Tree Landscape Photos

Maple Tree Farm Landscape in Autumn| Tree:Maple+Autumn at
Red Maple: Lakeside Maple Tree Landscape in Autumn | Tree:Maple+Red+Autumn at

Maple Tree Pictures: Autumn

Maple Tree Pictures: Fall Red Japanese Maple Tree Leaves Picture

Red Japanese Maple

Maple Tree Pictures: Autumn Maple Trees

Fall Maple Tree

Maple Tree, yellow & orange Maple Tree Leaves

Maple's Vibrant Color

Maple Tree Pictures: Fall's Colorful Maple Tree Lane Maple Tree Pictures: Fall Picture of Sugar Maple Type Tree Tuning Red  

Maple Tree Pictures 1 - Maple Tree Pictures 2

Maple Tree Leaf   Maple Trees   Fall Maple Trees
Maple Tree Reflection   Maple Trees Leaves   Maple Sugar Trees
Maple Tree Path   Maple Tree Bark   Maple Tree Leaves On Ice
Maple Tree Roots Maple Tree Wallpaper

Maple Tree Scientific Name: Acer

Maple trees lose their leaves in the fall and can therefore be classified as deciduous trees. Other deciduous trees include oak trees, birch trees, elm trees and most ash trees.

Maple Tree Types, A List of Different Types of Maple Tree

  • Amur Maple Tree, one of the smaller varieties of maple tree
  • Black Maple Tree, used for saw timber, veneer, maple syrup and fuel wood
  • Harlequin Maple Tree, very striking foliage, easy to identify
  • Japanese Maple Tree, used as an ornamental tree in many Japanese gardens
  • Manitoba Maple Tree, is a fast growing tree with great fall color
  • Norway Maple Tree, roots are visible on ground surface
  • Paperbark Maple Tree, reddish-brown colored bark that peels away from trunk
  • Red Maple Tree, one of the fastest growing types of maple tree
  • Silver Maple Tree, undersides of leaves are silver in color
  • Sugar Maple Tree, the first choice for making maple syrup

Maple Tree Facts: Info on Types of Maple Trees

Maple Tree Images

Maples: Red Orange Maple Tree Leaf | Tree:Maple+Leaf at

There are several types of maple trees, for detailed information on other types of maple trees we suggest you do a search on

Feature Maple Species: Sugar Maple

Maple, Sugar
Acer saccharum

The Sugar MapleTree is a landscape standout. Medium to dark-green leaves turn yellow, burnt orange or red in fall. Tolerates shade, likes a well-drained, moderately moist, fertile soil. Do not plant in confined areas or where salt is a problem. Grows to 60' to 75', 45' spread.

Type of tree:
The Sugar Maple falls into the following type(s): Ornamental Trees, Shade Trees

Mature Height:
The Sugar Maple grows to be 60' - 75' feet in height.

Mature Spread:
The Sugar Maple has a spread of about 45' at full maturity.

Growth Rate:
This tree grows at a slow to medium growth rate.

This maple does well in full sun.

The Sugar Maple grows in acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, well drained, clay soils.

Prefers moist soil conditions but has moderate drought resistance.

Maple Tree Shape:
This maple has oval, rounded shape.

This trees leaves are 3 to 5 inches across with 5, or rarely 3, distinctive lobes. Autumn coloration is a striking red and yellow.

Flower Color:

Bloom Time:

Fruit Description:
This tree produces two winged seeds on a single stem, each approximately 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inches long.

Additional Information: Sugar Maple

The Sugar Maple tree is one of America's most loved trees. Here is a tree that lives to serve! Perhaps it is best known for its syrup, or Syrop as the French explorers called it when they found Native Americans enjoying this spring delight. Today, about two million gallons of the liquid gold support an important rural industry in the United States. Its gifts include shade and fall beauty that are unparalleled in park and home landscapes. Finally, as one last service during its sojourn on earth, Sugar Maple as firewood has few rivals - it splits easily, gives off an enormous amount of heat, produces few sparks, and ends in fine, rich ashes that pioneers turned into soap but today can enrich gardens.

The Sugar Maple is a landscape standout. Medium to dark-green leaves turn yellow, burnt orange or red in fall. Tolerates shade, likes a well-drained, moderately moist, fertile soil. Do not plant in confined areas or where salt is a problem. Grows to 60' to 75', 45' spread.

Wildlife Value:
Sugar Maples are commonly browsed by white-tailed deer, moose, and snowshoe hare. Squirrels feed on the seeds, buds, twigs, and leaves.

The wood of the Sugar Maple tree has always been highly valued for furniture because of its beauty, and for products ranging from flooring to bowling pins thanks to its extreme hardness. During the 2001 baseball season, Barry Bonds switched from the traditional Ash wood baseball bat to one made of Maple and hit 73 home runs, a new record! In 1663, chemist Robert Boyle informed the Europeans about the tree in the new world that produced a sweet substance and John Smith was among the first settlers who remarked about the Native American's sugar processing and the fact that they used the product for barter. It has been used for medicine because of its bone-building phosphates that enhance calcium retention.

The oldest sugar maple in Canada is the "Comfort Tree" located in North Pelham, Ontario. It is said to be over 500 years old and measures 20 feet around its trunk.

Maple Tree Disease

  • Anthracnose
  • Leaf Spots, Tar Spot
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Verticillium Wilt
  • Scorch

Maple Tree Comments, Facts, Reference, Trivia

Maple Syrup: Maple tree sap starts running as the spring warmer weather approaches and the sun is higher in the sky. Tapping into the sugar maple tree species produces a clear watery sap with a light woody taste. This is collected in sap pails hung on the trees.

The spout which is inserted into the tree when tapping maple trees for sap is called a spile.

Commerial sap manufacturers use a gravity based pipe system which save the problems with sap loss due to over flowing pails and the need to collect the sap at least one or two times a day.

Maple sap is gathered and poured into an evaporator where the sap is boiled down into a thicker sweeter pourable syrup. Maple syrup is then packaged into a variety of container sizes for sale.

Maple Syrup: Sugar maples can reach a tappable size in approximately 40 years. A maple tree can produce 12 litres of sap per day in the spring. The maple sugaring season lasts approximately 6 weeks. Did you know? It takes forty gallons of clear watery sugar maple tree sap to produce one gallon of maple syrup.

Maple Tree: Maple shape is a little like a lollipop, round top on a tree trunk. The maturing tree provides nice open space for grass and garden areas underneath with great shade on hot summer days.

Maple Planting: Maple tree can grow quite tall and wide. If planted in the middle of a 50 feet wide house lot, a mature maple can easily consume the total width of one's lot, over time, plus hide most of a good looking house from the street.

Recommended that one consider not planting their new maple tree too close to the house and consider offsetting the maple to the side lot line. This maybe to your neighbors future dislike, as leaves will blow and fall on their property in Autumn

Maple Tree Landscaping: Top choice is the Japanese maple tree. Blood red Japanese maple has very deep dark red leaves during the summer and are wonderfully bright red in the fall when the sun shines through the leaves. Landscape set up as primary tree focal point in a flower bed or as a stand alone tree highlite.

Norway Maple Planting: The norway maple tree species is a fast growing maple tree, thus, great for landscaping projects for a large future shade tree. As the norway maple matures, it can produce a large volume of seeds in the Autumn requiring possible clean up. In spring, fallen seed pods readily sprout and grow. This can be a nuisance especially around gardens, as it is like pulling out a lot of extra weeds.

Maple Tree Trivia:

Maple Trees produce seeds in spring which are often called maple keys. The wings enable them to be blown great distances by the wind. New maple trees can grow from these seeds.

The maple leaf is the national symbol of Canada and appears on the Canadian flag. The maple tree was officially proclaimed the national arboreal emblem of Canada on April 25, 1996.

The maple tree is known for its beautiful fall colors when its leaves turn from green to red, yellow and golden orange.

The Paperbark maple is best known for its beautiful exfoliating cinnamon-colored bark and stunning orange-red autumn colors.

The sycamore maple is Europe's largest maple tree.

The Sugar Maple is the state tree of New York, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Woodpeckers can cause a lot of damage to maple trees. The holes provide access for disease and insects which may damage and eventually lead to the death of the tree.

Japanese maples are the smallest maple tree variety measuring from 6 to 25 feet at maturity. Japanese maple trees are a popular tree for crafting into bonsai trees.

Tree Symbolism

The Maple Tree symbolizes wisdom, promise, and practical magic

Maple Wood Information:

The Maple species fall in to 2 categories, either hard or soft maple.

Hard Wood Maples

  • Sugar Maple Tree, Acer saccharum
  • Black Maple Tree, Acer nigrum

Soft Wood Maples

  • Bigleaf Maple Tree, Acer macrophyllum
  • Box Elder Tree, Acer negundo
  • Red Maple Tree, Acer rubrum
  • Silver Maple Tree, Acer saccharinum
  • Striped Maple Tree, Acer pensylvanicum

Maple is a highly prized wood used to build furniture and cabinets. It is also in demand for wood flooring, veneer, and smaller woodenware. Live edge slabs of maple wood can be hand crafted to create unique tables, bar tops, benches and wall art.

Maple Tree Pictures 1 - Maple Tree Pictures 2

Maple trees are probably the easiest tree to recognize because of their distinctive shaped leaves and vibrant colors in the fall. Their seeds are often referred to as helicopters because of their shape and the way they float to the ground.

Maple trees are classified as shade trees because of their size. Silver Maples are the fastest growing type of maple tree with a mature spread of 35' to 50'.

Maple Tree Leaf   Maple Trees   Fall Maple Trees
Maple Tree Reflection   Maple Trees Leaves   Maple Sugar Trees
Maple Tree Path   Maple Tree Bark   Maple Tree Leaves On Ice
Maple Tree Roots

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