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Plum Tree Pictures

Plum Tree Photo Gallery contains many photos of Plum Trees. Plum trees are a popular landscape tree mostly grown for its fruit

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Plum Tree Images

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Plum Tree Pictures: Photo Gallery

Plum Fruit Tree Pictures: Plum Trees Branches Leaves

Plum Tree Leaves

Plum Fruit Tree Pictures: Pictures of Plum Trees Disease called Black Knot

Plum Tree Disease

Plums, Plum Fruit Tree Picture


Plum Tree Type, Cherry Plum Tree

Plum Tree Orchard

Plum Tree, Close up of Plum Tree Flowers

Flowering Plum

Picture of Plum Tree in Winter

Plum Tree

Flowering Plum Trees: Tree White Blossom

Golden Plum Tree

Red Plum Tree Photo

Plum Tree Picture

Red Plum Tree Picture

Wild Plum Tree

Plums, Plum Fruit Tree

Damson Plum Tree

Flowering Plum Tree Picture

Flowering Plum

Ornamental Plum Tree

Ornamental Plum

Flowering Plum Tree

Flowering Plum

Plum Tree Branches

Plum Branches

Plums: Photo of Old Plum Tree

Old Plum Tree

Red Plums, Fruit of the Plum Tree

Fruit Tree

Plum Tree Types, Stanley Plum Tree

Stanley Plum

Flowering Plum Tree Image, Stunning blanket of flowers in spring Season

Wild Plum Flower

Plum Tree Flowering in Church Garden

Plum Tree Garden

Plum Trees Scientific name: Prunus

Plum Tree Types: Different Types of Plum Trees

  • Cherry Plum Tree, Prunus cerasifera
  • Damson Plum Tree, Prunus institia
  • European Plum Tree, Prunus domestica
  • Greengage Plum Tree
  • Japanese Plum Tree, Prunus salicina
  • Mirabelle Plum Tree
  • Saint Juliens Plum Tree

Plum Tree: Facts and Info on Plum Trees

There are two basic types of plum trees, the European plum and the Japanese plum, from which all other varieties are derived. Plum trees that bear fruit produce small white flowers whereas flowering plum trees which do not produce fruit produce pink clusters of flowers

In order to grow your own fruit in most cases you have to plant two trees to cross pollinate.

Plums, the fruit of the plum tree, are rich in dietary fiber, low in calories and a great source of calcium, potassium and vitamin C.

Once plums are harvested they stop ripening. Unfortunately the plums you find in the grocery store have probably been harvested before they are fully ripe. The sweetest plums are those grown in your own back yard.

Plums are tasty when eaten fresh, but can also be used in jams, jellies and pies. Pick some up at your grocery store today!

Plum Tree Disease

Black knot is a common and often serious fungal disease found on plum trees. The hard black knots form on smaller branches eventually killing the tree if left untreated. Immediate pruning of the diseased branches can help stop the spread of this disease.

Please note that there are several types of plum trees, for additional plum tree information we suggest you do a search on Google.

Feature Plum Species: Damson Plum

Plum, Damson
Prunus institia

A small, vigorous, rugged, erect growing plum tree. White flowers are borne in umbrel-like clusters of 2-3 on short spurs, and solitary or 2-3 in axils on one year old wood. The later spring bloom time of the flowers makes them less frost prone. The foliage is dark green. Fruit production begins in 3-4 years.This tree bears heavy crops of purplish blue juicy, tart plums that ripens in August to October. The tree adapts to wide range of soil types but requires moist soil. It is cold hardy and tolerates strong winds. Rainfall and high humidity during the growing season can cause the fruit to crack.Thinning is not necessary for Damson plums. Prune only to remove deadwood, crossing branches, or fast growing shoot that appear along the trunk or branches.

Type of tree:
The Damson Plum falls into the following type(s): Fruit Trees

Mature Height:
The Damson Plum grows to be 10' - 20' feet in height.

Mature Spread:
The Damson Plum has a spread of about 10' - 20' at full maturity.

Height Variations:
The standard grows to 20', and dwarf grows to 10' in height.

Spread Variations:
Standard spread grows to 20', dwarf grows to 10'.

Growth Rate:
This tree grows at a medium growth rate.

This plum does well in full sun.

This tree grows in a wide variety of soil types and has some tolerance for heavy and waterlogged soils. It prefers a moist, well drained, loamy, mildly acidic to mildly alkaline soil.

This tree requires moist, well drained soil and is not drought tolerant.

This plum has oval shape.

Simple, ovate or elliptic with acute or obtuse tips, finely toothed on the margins, green and often wrinkled on top, paler and softly hairy beneath

Flower Color:

Bloom Time:

Fruit Description:
Small, dark blue or purple 1" oval drupe with golden yellow firm flesh, taste can be either sour or sweet, clingstone. The plums are ready to harvest when the colour changes to deep blue, purple or black and have a powdery look. Ripe plums can be stored in the refrigerator.

Additional Information: Damson Plum

The Damson plum tree has many traits that make it a fine choice for the homeowner. These characteristics are a low and compact crown, tolerance to different kinds of soils, cold hardiness, resistance to diseases, and the ability to thrive with little or no care. The tart juicy plums are excellent for home canning.

A small, vigorous, rugged, erect growing plum tree. White flowers are borne in umbrel-like clusters of 2-3 on short spurs, and solitary or 2-3 in axils on one year old wood. The later spring bloom time of the flowers makes them less frost prone. The foliage is dark green. Fruit production begins in 3-4 years.This tree bears heavy crops of purplish blue juicy, tart plums that ripens in August to October. The tree adapts to wide range of soil types but requires moist soil. It is cold hardy and tolerates strong winds. Rainfall and high humidity during the growing season can cause the fruit to crack.Thinning is not necessary for Damson plums. Prune only to remove deadwood, crossing branches, or fast growing shoot that appear along the trunk or branches.

Wildlife Value:
Plum trees provide cover and food to butterfly larva, birds, and mammals.

Damson plum has the distinction of being around virtually unaltered for thousands of years. Its seeds have been found in prehistoric dwellings. It appears in ancient Mesopotamian records, and is the plum of the ancient Greek poets. It took its name from Damascus. From there, it was taken to Italy and then to the rest of Europe where it now grows wild and in home orchards. The strong similarities between wild and domestic trees, and between the descriptions of ancient writers and observations today make this fruit tree noted for its remarkable consistancy.The Damson is often grouped with the European plums, but botanists classify it as a separate species. It may be an ancestor of the European plum.

Plum Tree Blossom

Plum trees can be the fruit bearing type or the flowering type. Flowering plum trees produce clusters of pink flowers whereas fruit bearing plum trees produce small white flowers.

How do you tell the difference between a plum tree and a cherry tree?

Plum blossoms do not have a small slit at the end of the petals whereas cherry blossoms do. The bark of the plum tree is darker and has no distinctive horizontal lines like the cherry. Finally the leaf of the plum tree is purple whereas the leaves of a cherry tree are green.


Dried plums are called prunes. Not all varieties of plums can be used for making prunes. The most commom variety of plum used for making prunes is the European plum. Commercially the plums pass through a food dehydrator for 21 hours at 190F in order to remove moisture content of the fruit. However if you want to do this in your own home you can use a regular oven at a low heat setting.

Plum Tree Trivia

Plums can vary in size depending on the variety. Some are as small as a cherry and others are as large as a baseball.

Plums, like cherries and peaches, have stones in the center of the fruit and are called drupes.

Plum trees are grown on every continent except Antartica

Plums are one of the most cultivated fruits in the world. Second only to apples.

Health Benefits of Plums

  1. Protect your heart. Plums are a great source of potassium
  2. Keep bowels regular. A great source of dietary fiber
  3. Reduce risk of diabetes
  4. Boost bone health
  5. Improve memory

Plum Tree Symbolism

Wild plum trees are symbolic of independence.

Plum National Flower

Plum is the national flower of Taiwan, and its flowers are often depicted in Asian art.

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