Willow Tree Photo Gallery has many pics of Willow Trees, willow tree types, facts about willows and images for willow tree identification.
Willow Trees
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Enjoy these beautiful pictures of willow trees.
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Willows: Show a Willow Tree Image
Willow Tree Scientific Name - Salix
- Bebb Willow Tree, Salix bebbii
- Black Willow Tree, Salix nigra
- Corkscrew Willow Tree, Salix matsudana
- Coyote Willow Tree, Salix exigua
- Crack Willow Tree, Salix fragilis
- Dappled Willow Tree
- Goat Willow Tree
- Peach Leaf Willow Tree
- Purple Osier Willow Tree
- Pussy Willow Tree
- Scouler's Willow Tree
- Weeping Willow Tree, Salix babylonica
- White Willow Tree
- Yellow Willow Tree
Willow Trees, Facts on Willow Tree Species
There are several types of willow trees, below we have included
information on the Weeping Willow, for information on other types of willow trees, we
suggest you do a search on Google
Feature Willow Species: Weeping Willow
Willow, Weeping
Salix babylonica
Graceful and refined, easily recognized by its open crown of
ground-sweeping branches. Leaves are light green above, grayish-green beneath. This willow
grows especially well near water, reaches 30' - 40' tall, 35' spread.
Type of tree:
The Weeping Willow falls into the following type(s): Shade Trees
Mature Height:
The Weeping Willow grows to be 30' - 40' feet in height.
Mature Spread:
The Weeping Willow has a spread of about 35' at full maturity.
Growth Rate:
This tree grows at a fast growth rate.
This willow does well in full sun, partial shade.
The Weeping Willow grows in acidic, alkaline, drought tolerant, loamy, moist, rich, sandy,
well drained, wet, wide range, clay soils.
Weeping Willow grows well near water, yet has some drought tolerance.
This willow has rounded, weeping shape.
The leaves of this tree are long and narrow, most between 2-1/2 and 6 inches long and 1/2
inch wide. Slightly wider near the base. Light green with a finely toothed margin.
Flower Color:
Yellow, borne on short catkins.
Bloom Time:
April - May..
Fruit Description:
This tree produces a fruit 1/4 inch in diameter, brown, leaves no litter to speak of.
Additional Information: Weeping Willow
Weeping Willow is a graceful, elegant tree usually planted along the water's edge in parks
and large landscapes. The tree will thrive in a wide range of soil and moisture
Graceful and refined, easily recognized by its open crown of ground-sweeping branches.
Leaves are light green above, grayish-green beneath. This willow grows especially well
near water, reaches 30' - 40' tall, 35' spread.
Wildlife Value:
The Weeping Willow provides browse food for big game, rabbits, and beaver. Deer and other
big game will browse on it. It provides nesting sites for numerous small birds and
The Weeping Willow is dramatic both in appearance and history. Few trees add as much grace
to the landscape. Early in the history of interstate commerce, cuttings from this popular
species were carried along the trade routes from China. Its occurrence along the Euphrates
River eventually fooled the famous botanist, Linnaeus, into thinking this was the Willow
of biblical mention, so he gave it the scientific name of babylonica. Later, it was the
shade of a Weeping Willow that helped comfort Napoleon during his exile on the Island of
St. Helena. After Napoleon was buried under his favorite tree, cuttings from it became a
valued prize among his admirers worldwide.
Willow Wood
The wood of the willow tree is used to make cricket bats, boxes, furniture, flutes, whistles, broom handles and fish traps. Did you know that the charcoal used by artists when sketching is often made from processed willow bark and trees?
Willow Tree Trivia, Reference, Facts, Identification, Notes
Weeping Willow Tree: Identifiable in the spring from all the other trees in the forest, by it's yellow colored branches.
Black Willow is one of the largest and most commerically important species of willow in North America.
The Willow is one of the fastest growing plants in the world. It can grow 10 feet per year. Weeping willows have massive root systems that do damage to water lines, sidewalks and trails in their constant search for water.
Aspirin is made from a compound extracted from the bark of the willow tree called "salicin".
Willow is commonly used for making baskets.
Willow Tree Pictures
Willow Tree Pictures 1 - Willow Tree Pictures 2
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