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Christmas Trees

Please enjoy these beautiful of christmas tree pictures. More pictures of christmas trees to come soon.

Xmas Tree Photos

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Tree Photos

Tree photo Galleries on the left gives you info about the specific tree type and lots of great photos of that tree.

Enjoy these wonderful Xmas tree photos of the Christmas Holidays.

Christmas Tree Photo Gallery

Christmas Tree, Beautiful Decorated Xmas Tree with Presents ready for Christmas Day

Christmas Tree Decorations

Christmas Tree Pictures, Photo of a Decorated X-mas Tree in Yellow white lights

Pre Lit Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree Pictures, natural setting of a lightly snow covered spruce tree

Outdoor Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree Pictures, Stunning night image of a Decorated Xmas Tree in Yellow Lights

LED Christmas Lights

Pictures of Christmas Trees: Xmas in Times Square New York, NY

Christmas Times Square

Christmas Picture: Wreath Decorated Antique Street Lantern

Christmas Wreath

Christmas Lights With Illuminated Church In Background

Christmas Tree Lights

Christmas Trees: Snowman LED Light Decoration

Christmas Tree Snowman

Christmas Tree: Christmas Tree Decorations

Christmas Tree Topper

Christmas Picture: Wreath Decorated Antique Street Lantern

Christmas Wreath

Christmas Pictures: Xmas Decorations of 12 foot high Snowman in LED Lights

Christmas Snowman

Christmas Pictures: Gazebo LED Decorations Ready for Xmas Season

Christmas Gazebo

Christmas Pictures: Xmas Decorations of 12 foot high Snowman in LED Lights

Christmas Tree Farm

Christmas Tree: Ornaments

Christmas Tree Star Merry Christmas: Decorated Christmas Tree Image Pine Tree Christmas Decorations

Xmas Tree Star

Xmas Topper


Custom Christmas Ornaments: Xmas Tree & Swarovski Santa Decoration

Christmas Ornaments

Merry Christmas: Decorated Christmas Tree Image

Pine Cones

Christmas Tree: Miniature Christmas Decorations

Christmas Miniatures

Christmas Decorations: Decorated Christmas Tree in Pink

Christmas Decorations

Custom Christmas Ornaments: Xmas Tree & Swarovski Santa Decoration

Christmas Lights

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Christmas Stockings

Christmas Tree: LED Lights

Oh Christmas Tree: White Xmas LED Lightss cOutdoor Christmas: Xmas LED Light Christmas Trees: Xmas LED Blue Lights

Christmas LED Lights

Blue LED Lights

Outdoor Xmas Lights

Gazebo Decorated with LED Lights for Christmas Christmas Trees: Xmas LED Blue Lights

Christmas Gazebo in LED Lights

Christmas LED Lights

Christmas Tree: Santa at Xmas

Santa's Sleigh: Christmas Photo christmas tree picture christmas tree picture

Christmas: More Xmas Trees

Pictures of Chrustmas: Christmas LED Lights on Fence Idea Photo Christmas Tree Spruce Cones Pic Santas Cabin: Christmas Decorations Ornaments Lights
christmas tree picture Christmas Tree Picture christmas tree picture

Christmas Tree Images

christmas tree picture Christmas Trees Decorated: Decorated Illustration - Merry Christmas Tree Illustration Image Xmas Tree Decorated With Lights
White Christmas Tree Photos christmas tree picture christmas tree picture

Christmas Tree Pictures

Xmas Tree With Presents & Gifts christmas tree picture Outdoor Christmas Tree With Blue Lights
christmas tree pic christmas tree pic christmas tree pic
Christmas Tree Pictures; Balsam Fir Trees smell nice at Xmas time

Xmas Trees for Sale


Christmas Trees

White fir is an popular choice for a Christmas tree because it has strong branches which maintain their shape, the white fir retains its needles, and they smell wonderful!

Feature Christmas Tree Species: White Fir

Fir, White
Abies concolor

The beautiful White (or Concolor) Fir has light-colored bark and silver blue-green needles. Tolerates most soils and drought. Matures at 50' in home landscape.

Type of Fir Tree:
The White Fir falls into the following type(s): Evergreens

Mature Height:
The White Fir grows to be 50' feet in height.

Mature Spread:
The White Fir has a spread of about 20' at full maturity.

Growth Rate:
This tree grows at a slow to medium growth rate. [More about this.]

This fir does well in full sun, partial shade.

The White Fir grows in acidic, drought tolerant, loamy, moist, sandy, well drained soils.

Normal moisture required; drought tolerant.

This fir has pyramidal shape.

The needles of the White Fir are silvery blue to silver-green; flat; blunt; 2 to 3 inches long. (The longest of the Fir family.)

Flower Color:
Red; nondescript.

Bloom Time:

Fruit Description:
The fruit is elongated; upright; 3 to 6 inches long; dry or hard; brown.

Additional Information: White Fir

The White Fir, sometimes called Concolor Fir, is a favorite Christmas tree among discerning buyers. It is also an important timber tree in its natural range within the Sierra Mountains and the western slopes of the central Rockies. It is widely planted as a beautiful ornamental in the East. Not surprisingly, White Fir is named for its light-colored bark and the silvery or "glaucous" color of its needles.

The beautiful White (or Concolor) Fir has light-colored bark and silver blue-green needles. Tolerates most soils and drought. Matures at 50' in home landscape.

Wildlife Value:
White fir are used for cover by mammals and game birds. It is also used for roosting and nesting by songbirds and the seeds are eaten by squirrels and game birds.

White Fir is one of the 40 members of its genus worldwide, and nine in North America. Its common name is descriptive of the foliage, whereas its scientific name is not too helpful. "Abies" is simply the ancient Latin word for Fir trees, and "Concolor" means "together, or of one color." This wild mountain resident has no outstanding credits to its name in the lumber business. It does have commercial value and is harvested for miscellaneous products, but it is far overshadowed by its stronger woodland associates. Long ago, naturalist Donald Peattie predicted the real glory of this species. "Rather does the future of this tree lie in its value as an ornamental," he wrote in 1953. It is today a favorite for urban landscaping and a popular choice for Christmas trees.

Famous Christmas Trees

One of the most famous Christmas trees in the world is the one that is erected each year at the Rockefeller Center in NYC. The tree lighting ceremony marks the beginning of the holiday season. The Norway Spruce Christmas Tree is decorated with more than 45,000 LED lights and has a 9.5 foot Swarovski star topper.

At the end of the holiday season the tree will be milled into lumber and donated to Habitat for Humanity

Growing Christmas Trees

The average sized Christmas tree of 6 feet takes 6 to 10 years to grow.

Christmas trees, like all other trees, are subject to disease and pests. Aphids and red spiders suck out the tree sap causing the needles to drop off. Weeds are a threat to young trees, restricting their growth by competing for nutrients and moisture from the soil. Wildlife such as rabbits, hares, and deer will eat the tops of young trees when food is scarce in winter.

Choosing a Christmas Tree

It is important to get the right size of tree for your living space. Trees out in the open or on a tree farm look smaller than they will in your home so be sure to measure maximum height and width you can accommodate.

Also your choice of Christmas tree will depend on your style and budget. If you prefer a fragrant tree you might choose a balsam fir. If you want a tree that doesn't drop its needles and make a mess in your living room you might pick a Fraser Fir.

Christmas Tree types vary by district. What you can buy is typically shipped in from various regional Christmas tree farms. At our local full service garden center, they offer three types of fir trees for Christmas.

Balsam Fir Trees: 5'-6' high tree, the cheapest in the $ 30 to 40 range

Frazer Fir Trees: 5'-6' high tree, add $ 5 per tree so $ 35 to 45 range

Noble Fir Trees: Twice the price of the balsam fir at $70-80 range

Additional cost of the Noble Fir is due to the extra showy needles which have a longer life span once cut.

The best time to buy a real Christmas tree is two weeks before the holiday, but the longer you delay it the fresher it will be.

Whether you cut your own or buy it pre-cut, you should cut a small chunk off the base of the trunk and place it in water within 30 minutes. Treat your Christmas tree the same way you treat fresh-cut flowers.

What should you do with your natural Christmas tree once the holiday season is over?

Many towns and cities offer a recycling program. If you place your tree at the curb, municipalities will collect the trees, process and compost them. The wood chips are then used in city parks and gardens as mulch.

Artificial Christmas Trees

Some families choose to use an artificial Christmas tree rather than buying a real Christmas tree each year. These trees are usually made of polyvinyl chloride and shaped to resemble a Christmas Tree. They are then decorated with lights, Christmas ornaments and tinsel.

The best time to purchase an artificial tree is around the middle of December when the stores have their biggest selection. However, if you are a true bargain hunter you may want to purchase your artificial Christmas tree at a discount after the holiday eason is over. You'll be ready for next year!

Christmas Tree Pictures: 8 Impressive Xmas Tree Photos featuring 8 Impressive tree images to bring on the Christmas Holiday Cheer.

Christmas Tree Photos: In the holiday season festive mood, view more Xmas images at Christmas Trees

Christmas Poems

Christmas Tree Poems Twas the night before Christmas

Christmas Wallpapers

Christmas Wallpapers Christmas Wallpapers

If you have a really beautiful christmas tree picture that you think might look good on our web site, just email us and send us your picture, please also include the type of tree it is if you know which type of tree it is.

If you are looking for a background image of a beautiful tree to use as on your desktop or if you want to use pictures of trees for wallpaper on your computer then we suggest you check out these beautiful tree pictures wallpaper.

Or if you are just browsing on the internet for very amazing pictures of trees for whatever reason, you should check out our tree images below, they are among the most beautiful from our collection of tree pics, they are chosen from several tree types.

Thank you for visiting our Christmas Tree Pictures, please come back soon for more great tree pictures!

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Tree Pictures - Recent Images

Click on the Tree Photo for a full enlarged picture or click on the Category below to go to the Tree Gallery page for that tree species

Pictures of Trees: Fall Picture of Colorful Oak Trees

Pictures of Oak Trees

Pictures of Trees: Fall Picture of Red Maple Tree

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Trees Images: Fall Picture of Cherry Tree Leaves

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Oak Tree Leaf: Spring Oak Leaf in Sun

Magnolia Gallery

Maples: New Maple Tree Leaf

Maple Trees

Magnolia Flower: Star Magnolia Tree

Magnolia Library

Oak Tree Leaf: Spring Oak Leaf in Sun

Oak Tree Gallery

Cherry Trees: Cherry Tree Branch Shadows Winter Snow

Cherry Trees

Red Bud Blooms: Beautiful Red Pink Flowers of the Redbud Tree

Red Bud Trees

Pine Tree: Picture of White Pine Trees Needles

Pine Tree Gallery

Rhododenrons Flowers: Blooming Rhododenron Tree Shrub Photos, Images, Picture Library, In May at the Eiffel Tower, Paris

Rhododendron: France

Oak Tree Leaf: Fall Oak Leaf's Reflection

Oak Tree Library

Creative Birdhouse Designs

Bird Houses

Christmas Lights

Christmas Tree

Christmas Gazebo Xmas Picture

Xmas Decorations

Palm Trees, Picture of the Palm Tree Leaves

Palm Trees

Maple Trees, Photo of Red Japanese Maple Landscaping Design

Japanese Maple

Willow Trees, Picture of Willow Tree

Willow Trees

Park Trees, Picture of Flooded Park Bench & Trees


Rose Shrub Flower, Picture of Pink Rose Shrub Flower with Rain Droplets, Image of Roses


Maple Trees, Photo Green Maple Tree Leaf with Rain Droplets, Image of Maple Trees

Maple Trees

Magnolias, Different Types of Magnolia Flowers

Magnolia Flower

Britain is home to more than half of the world's population of bluebells


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Forest Animals

Looking for a background image of a beautiful tree to use as on your desktop computer then check out these beautiful tree pictures you can use as free tree wallpaper.

Have a really beautiful tree picture that might look good on, just email us your image, please include if you know which type of tree it is.

Looking for a background image of a beautiful tree to use as on your desktop computer then check out these beautiful tree pictures you can use as free tree wallpaper.

Have a really beautiful tree picture that might look good on, just email us your image, please include if you know which type of tree it is.

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