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Ginkgo Biloba Trees

Ginkgo Biloba tree Gallery has many pictures of Ginkgo Biloba trees.

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Ginkgo Biloba

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Enjoy these beautiful pictures of ginkgo biloba trees.

Ginkgo Biloba Tree Photo Gallery

Ginkgo: Autumn Yellow Ginkgo Biloba Tree Ginkgo Leaf: Yellow Autumn Ginkgo Biloba Tree Leaves

Ginkgo Biloba in Autumn

Ginko Leaves Autumn

Ginkgo Biloba Tree Berry

Ginkgo: Fruit of the Ginkgo Biloba Tree Ginkgo Biloba Tree Identification

Ginkgo Biloba Fruit

Ginko Leaf & Fruit

Ginkgos: More Ginkgo Biloba Tree Images

ginkgo biloba tree picture ginkgo biloba tree picture ginkgo biloba tree picture
ginkgo biloba tree picture ginkgo biloba tree picture ginkgo biloba tree picture
ginkgo biloba tree picture ginkgo biloba tree picture ginkgo biloba tree picture
ginkgo biloba tree picture ginkgo biloba tree picture ginkgo biloba tree picture

Ginkgo Biloba Tree Pictures 1
Ginkgo Biloba Tree Pictures 2

Ginkgo Biloba Tree, Facts & Info on Ginkgo Biloba Trees

Tree Identification: Ginkgo, Ginkgo Biloba, Maidenhair Tree

The Ginkgo biloba tree is native to China.

Leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree have a very distinctive fan shaped, are very light weight and flutter in the wind. The leaves are green in summer and then turn a striking yellow color in the Fall. When the tree loses its leaves they create a bright golden blanket around the base of the tree.

The fruit, which grows only on the female specimen of the Ginkgo biloba tree, is often foul-smelling, and slippery when they fall from the tree making them less desirable as a landscape tree due to it's high maintenance. It is preferable to choose the male species. A popular male variety is "Autumn Gold" named for it saffron yellow leaves in the fall.

Scientific Name: Ginkgo biloba
Common Names: Gingko Biloba, gingko, ginko, maidenhair

Type of Tree:
The Ginko Biloba falls into the following type(s): Shade tree, Ornamental Trees

Mature Height:
The Gingko grows to 25 to 50 feet at maturity.

Mature Spread:
25 to 35 feet

Growth Rate:
The ginkgo grows at a medium rate

Partial shade to full sun

Sandy, loam, or clay. pH Range: 3.7 to 7.0

Wet, moist, or dry

Ginko Tree Shape:
Grows in a pyramidal shape

Deciduous broadleaf, distinctive, green, fan-shaped leaves turn yellow in the fall.

Flower Color:
Green pollen sacs that resemble small catkins

Bloom Time:

Fruit Description:
Female trees produce seeds with a fleshy outer layer. The seed changes from light green to yellow or orange. When the seed falls to the ground its fleshy layer begins to rot and produces a foul odour. The hard inner layer is egg shaped and light in colour.

Suggested uses for this plant include shade, street tree, and specimen plant.

Planting Notes
Transplants readily, and is easy to establish. Buy only male or grafted, non-fruiting varieties because the fruit of female trees has an obnoxious odor. Prefers sandy, deep, moist soil but is very adaptable to wide range of soil types and pH. Tolerates city conditions (air pollution and road salt).

Easy to grow and maintain because of its adaptability and resistance to insects and pests. Prune in the spring.

No serious problems.

Consult local sources, including historic or public gardens and arboreta, regarding cultivars and related species that grow well in your area.

Cultivars of GINKGO BILOBA
`Autumn Gold' is a male cultivar with good fall color.
`Fastigiata' (Sentry Ginkgo) is a columnar male form.
`Santa Cruz' is another male cultivar.

Geological evidence of the Ginkgo tree dates back 150 million years. This tree readily adapts to city conditions. The Ginkgo will eventually become a large tree, but is slow growing. Ginkgo is suited for bonsai.

Ginkgo Biloba Tree Pictures 1
Ginkgo Biloba Tree Pictures 2

Ginkgo Biloba Tree Comments

Top tree favorite for it's unique fan shaped leaf and wonderful yellows in the Autumn. Love this tree!

A Ginkgo Tree is either male or female.

Ginkgo Trees lose their leaves all at once after a hard frost.

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