Pine Trees
Pine Tree Pictures category contains many photos of pine trees. You will find useful information about pine trees, below are list of different types of pine trees, facts about pine trees, and pine tree references to the pine tree species.
Tree Photos
Pine Tree Gallery consists of two pages of pine tree images.
Pine category has two impressive pine tree feature pages: Check out more pines at pine tree photos and Mediterranean pine trees.
Tree picture Galleries on the left give you info about the tree along with lots of pictures of that tree.
Pine Tree Images
Pine Trees signify holiday celebrations, reaching for the stars and eternal life. To enlarge each pine tree picture, just click on the tree image to make the Pine Tree Picture enlarge. Enjoy these pictures of Pine Trees
Pines: Scots Pine Tree Species
Pines: Mediterranean Pine Trees
Pine Tree: Japanese Tamarack
Pine Tree Pictures: Pitch Pines
Additional Pine Tree Photos
Pine Tree Pictures 1 -
Pine Tree Pictures 2
- Aleppo Pine
- Austrian Pine
- Bristlecone Pine
- Canary Island Pine
- Chir Pine
- Coulter Pine
- Eastern White Pine
- Foxtail Pine
- Gray Pine
- Italian Stone Pine
- Jack Pine
- Japanese Black Pine
- Japanese White Pine
- Jeffrey Pine
- Lacebark Pine
- Limber Pine
- Loblolly Pine
- Lodgepole Pine
- Longleaf Pine
- Luchu Pine
- Maritime Pine
- Mexican Weeping Pine
- Monterey Pine
- Mugo Pine
- Pitch Pine
- Pond Pine
- Ponderosa Pine
- Red Pine
- Sand Pine
- Scotch Pine
- Single Leaf Pinyon Pine
- Sugar Pine
- Tanyosho Pine
- Tenasserim Pine
- Torrey Pine
- Turkish Pine
- Two Needle Pinyon Pine
- Virginia Pine
- Western White Pine
- Whitebark Pine
Scientific Name Pine, White - Pinus strobus
Pine trees are cone bearing trees and can therefore be classified as coniferous. Other coniferous trees include Douglas Fir trees, spruce trees, redwood trees and cedar trees.
Pine trees are used as evergreen windbreaks on farms, provide green landscapes during the winter months, and are often used as Christmas decorations for the holiday season. Nothing says Christmas like the smell of pine logs burning in an open fireplace.
Parks Canada set fire to the shores of an island in the St Lawrence River in an effort to save the rare pitch pine trees from the ravages of the pine beetle.
A hardy, valuable tree. Clustered soft blue-green needles. Ideal screen or windbreak.
Likes moist, well-drained soils. Grows to 80', 40' spread.
Pine Tree board and batten is a popular exterior building finish for residential and commercial additions. Cheaper than masonary or brick finishes the board and batten style blends well after painting or staining with existing construction finishes.
Pine tree board and batten looks great on work and garden sheds, for shed drawings follow to Garden Shed Plans!
Feature Pine Species: White Pine
Pine, White
Pinus strobus
Tree Type:
The White Pine type of tree falls into the following type: Evergreens
Mature Height:
The White Pine grows to be 80' feet in height.
Mature Spread:
The White Pine has a spread of about 40' at full maturity.
Growth Rate:
This tree grows at a fast growth rate.
This pine does well in full sun, partial shade.
The White Pine grows in acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, well drained soils.
Requires moist soil conditions.
This pine has oval, pyramidal shape.
The leaves are spiral shaped; bunches of five needles; 3 to 5 inches long.
Flower Color:
Pink; yellow; nondescript.
Bloom Time:
Fruit Description:
The fruit is elongated; 6 to 8 inches long; dry; brown.
Additional Information: White Pine
The ease of transplanting and rapid growth of the White Pine tree make it an ideal
candidate for landscape and windscreen applications. Wildlife that eat the seeds range
form chickadees and game birds to rabbits and black bears. White Pines are widely used as
Christmas trees and are still very important as a lumber source.
A hardy, valuable tree. Clustered soft blue-green needles. Ideal screen or windbreak.
Likes moist, well-drained soils. Grows to 80', 40' spread.
Wildlife Value:
White pine seeds are favored by black bears, rabbits, red squirrels, and many birds,
especially red crossbills. While potentially damaging to the trees, the bark is eaten by
mammals such as beavers, snowshoe hares, porcupines, rabbits and mice. White pines provide
nesting sites as well for many birds, including woodpeckers, common grackles, mourning
doves, chickadees and nuthatches.
The Eastern White Pine tree has been referred to as "the monarch of the forest."
Some that greeted the first settlers reached a height of 250 feet with diameters of 6
feet. They were a bonanza for England in colonial times, as they met a vital military and
commercial need for sailing ship masts. Since the colonists were rapidly using up the
existing supply of trees close to the ocean that were large enough for masts, the Royal
Navy appealed to Parliament. As a result, in 1691 Great Britain imposed the first of the
so-called "broad arrow" acts, so named because of the axe mark placed on the
reserved trees by the king's men, that reserved these trees for the English government.
Growing resentment to the crown's appropriation of the choicest White Pines helped
precipitate the Revolutionary War, and the first flag of the revolutionary forces even had
a White Pine as its emblem.
Pine Wood
Pine wood is classified into hard and soft pines according to its density and strength.
Soft Pines
- Sugar Pine Tree, Pinus lambertiana
- Western White Pine Tree, Pinus monticola
- Eastern White Pine Tree, Pinus strobus
Hard Pines
- Shortleaf Pine Tree, Pinus echinata
- Slash Pine Tree, Pinus elliotti
- Longleaf Pine Tree, Pinus palustris
- Loblolly Pine Tree, Pinus taeda
Pine wood is used to make furniture, flooring, construction and shipbuilding.
Pine Bark Mulch
Mulch is a popular decorative landscape treatment for garden beds. Mulch suppresses weed growth, conserves water, minimizes soil erosion and is a natural insect repellent. Pine Mulch has a natural rich dark color and a pleasant pine scent. Slow to decompose, pine mulch lasts a long time and is relatively inexpensive compared to cedar mulch
Pine Tree Trivia
The wood of the Scots Pine was used for ship's masts, turpentine, resin, tar and furniture.
The oldest growing pine species is the bristlecone pine, pinus longaeva, which can reach more than 4,000 years in age. The oldest bristlecone pine tree on record stands in the White Mountains of California, USA and is said to be 5,062 years old.
Pine Mouth Syndrome is a medical condition caused by eating the nut of the Chinese White Pine which is mildly toxic.
The crooked forest, located in Poland, is a stand of approximately 400 bent pine trees. Each tree is bent at a 90 degree angle near its base. It is thought that these trees were shaped by humans sometime in the 1930s but no one really knows what caused this strange phenomenon.
Pine Trees 1 - Pine Trees 2
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White Pine Tree; Admired for their tall size and beauty, white pine was an important to building log homes by European settlers, for more facts follow to White Pine Trees
How to Grow a White Pine Tree? Best time to plant is in the spring, pick a spot that allows large branch width for later years, decide to start of from a seed or young sapling, ensure the roots are moist .. see more on How to Grow a White Pine Tree
White Pine Tree Care; some landowners to "selectively cut" their pine timber stands every 5 to 10 years for a little extra income. The main purpose of any thinning operation should be to provide more growing space for the well established, faster growing trees, and harvest the pine trees that are diseased, damaged or poorly formed, for more facts on pine tree care follow to White Pine Tree Care
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