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Magnolia Flowers

Magnolias produce nice large flowers in colorful blooms creating a striking impression in any garden. Here are a few magnolia images that we found in May. Magnolias are native to eastern North America, Central America and the West Indies and east and southeast Asia, as well as South America. Magnolia is cultivated as an ornamental flowering plant.

Magnolia Trivia

Magnolias are believed to be the earliest known flowering plants dated back to about 130 million years ago..


Magnolia Trees are quite spectacular when they are in full bloom in the month of May. The magnolia is a symbolic flower in Chinese culture.

Magnolia Blossom

The creamy-white bloom of the magnolia tree was designated the state flower of Louisiana in 1900. Magnolia flowers are usually fragrant consisting of six to twelve petals. Once the petals have fallen off the tree you are left with the large cone shaped fruit of the magnolia.

Enjoy these Magnolia Flower Pictures

For additional tree pictures, on the left you will find different tree categories which will give you information about the tree type with lots of great pictures of that tree.

Magnolia Flowers, Impressive Magnolia Pictures

Star Magnolia Flowers

Star Magnolia Flowers

Merrill Magnolia Flowers

Merrill Magnolia Flowers

Tulip Magnolia Flower

Tulip Magnolia Flower

Photo of Tulip Magnolia Bud

Photo of Tulip Magnolia Bud

Creamy White Magnolia Flowers

Creamy White Magnolia Flowers

Magnolia Bloom Photo

Magnolia Bloom Photo

Star Magnolia Flower

Star Magnolia Flower

Elizabeth Magnolia Flower

Photo of Elizabeth Magnolia Flower

Saucer Magnolia Flower

Saucer Magnolia Flower Image

Magnolia Alexandrina Flower

Magnolia Alexandrina Flower Photo

Elizabeth Magnolia Buds Photo

Elizabeth Magnolia Buds Photo

Elizabeth Magnolia Buds Photo

Magnolia Alexandrina Flower Photo

Impressive Magnolia Flowers

Magnolia pictures impressive? If you like these Magnolia pics, then please feel free to send the page link to your family and friends so that they may also enjoy these Magnolia pictures.

Like Impressive Flowers?

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You may like to view a dozen colorful Rose flower pictures, at Roses, Photos of Flowering Roses

Magnolia Information, Reference, Tips

Facts About Magnolia Flowers

Magnolia flowers do not produce true nectar, but they do attract pollinaters with fragrant, sugary secretions. Beetles use the pollen, which is high in protein, as a source of food. produce large quantities of pollen. The pollen is high in protein and the beetles use it for food.

In spring, Magnolia flowers have a golden to rust color on their undersides. Magnolia flowers produce aggregate fruits, just like raspberries, except that raspberry fruits are fleshy, while magnolia fruits are dry.

Magnolia Leaves

Magnolia leaves are thick and leathery dark green colored. Magnolia leaves are alternate, simple, leaves, with an elliptical leaf shape, and 5-10 inches long 2-5 inches wide.

Magnolia Fruit

Magnolia fruit is an aggregate of follicles, green changing to red and later to brown. Magnolia fruit is cylindrical in shape, 3 to 5 inches long with a bright red seed in each follicle, maturing in fall.

Tree Pictures - Recent Tree Additions

Tree Pictures - Recent Images

Click on the Tree Photo for a full enlarged picture or click on the Category below to go to the Tree Gallery page for that tree species

Oak Tree Leaf: Spring Oak Leaf in Sun

Magnolia Gallery

Maples: New Maple Tree Leaf

Maple Trees

Magnolia Flower: Star Magnolia Tree

Magnolia Library

Oak Tree Leaf: Spring Oak Leaf in Sun

Oak Tree Gallery

Cherry Trees: Cherry Tree Branch Shadows Winter Snow

Cherry Trees

Red Bud Blooms: Beautiful Red Pink Flowers of the Redbud Tree

Red Bud Trees

Pine Tree: Picture of White Pine Trees Needles

Pine Tree Gallery

Rhododenrons Flowers: Blooming Rhododenron Tree Shrub Photos, Images, Picture Library, In May at the Eiffel Tower, Paris

Rhododendron: France

Oak Tree Leaf: Fall Oak Leaf's Reflection

Oak Tree Library

Creative Birdhouse Designs

Bird Houses

Christmas Lights

Christmas Tree

Christmas Gazebo Xmas Picture

Xmas Decorations

Palm Trees, Picture of the Palm Tree Leaves

Palm Trees

Maple Trees, Photo of Red Japanese Maple Landscaping Design

Japanese Maple

Willow Trees, Picture of Willow Tree

Willow Trees

Park Trees, Picture of Flooded Park Bench & Trees


Rose Shrub Flower, Picture of Pink Rose Shrub Flower with Rain Droplets, Image of Roses


Maple Trees, Photo Green Maple Tree Leaf with Rain Droplets, Image of Maple Trees

Maple Trees

Magnolias, Different Types of Magnolia Flowers

Magnolia Flower

Britain is home to more than half of the world's population of bluebells


Forest Animal Pictures, Animals You May See In The Forest

Forest Animals

Looking for a background image of a beautiful tree to use as on your desktop computer then check out these beautiful tree pictures you can use as free tree wallpaper.

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