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Mountain Ash Tree Pictures

Mountain Ash Tree Pictures gallery contains many photos of Mountain Ash Trees, close up images, facts for Mountain Ash Tree identification.

Mountain Ash Images

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Mountain Ash Tree Pictures

Mountain Ash Trees, Green Leaves of Mountain Ash Tree

Mountain Ash Leaves

Mountain Ash Trees, Photo of New Branch Growth on Mountain Ash Tree Trunk

Mountain Ash New Growth

Mountain Ash Trees, Picture of Trunk and Branches on Mountain Ash Tree

Mountain Ash Canopy

Mountain Ash Trees, Summer Green Berries on Mountain Ash Tree

Mountain Ash Berries

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Mountain Ash Trees, Facts and Information on the Mountain Ash Tree

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Mountain Ash, American
Sorbus americana

This small native tree's dark green leaves turn orange and purple in the fall. Showy white spring flowers, followed by flame-red fruit loved by birds. Likes acidic soil with good drainage, full sun to light shade. Grows to 10' to 30'.

Type of tree:
The American Mountainash falls into the following type(s): Flowering Trees, Ornamental Trees

Mature Height:
The American Mountainash grows to be 10' - 30' feet in height.

Mature Spread:
The American Mountainash has a spread of about 15' at full maturity.

Growth Rate:
This tree grows at a slow growth rate.

This mountainash does well in full sun, partial shade.

The American Mountainash grows in acidic, loamy, sandy, well drained, wet, clay soils.

Well drained

This mountainash has oval shape.

This tree has dark green leaves, turning orange and purple in the fall

Flower Color:
White flowers

Bloom Time:

Fruit Description:
This tree has flame-red fruit

Additional Information American Mountian Ash

Spectacular fall foliage. The fruit provides winter food for birds.

This small native tree's dark green leaves turn orange and purple in the fall. Showy white spring flowers, followed by flame-red fruit loved by birds. Likes acidic soil with good drainage, full sun to light shade. Grows to 10' to 30'.

Wildlife Value:
The American Mountain Ash is an important source of food for many small birds and mammals including catbirds, thrushes, and waxwings. Fruits persist through winter.

First cultivated in 1811. The Mountain Ash is a northern tree that is a true plastic taxon inasmuch as it will interbreed with other families of trees and plants including the great rose family. The fruit has been known to intoxicate birds. Also known as the Rowantree because it resembles the European Rowantree. The bark was used as a anti-malarial medicine by pioneer doctors because of its close resemblance to the Quininetree. It was also believed to be powerful in exorcising witches by the early settlers and was known as Witchwood.

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