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Oak TreesOak Tree Pictures category has many great photos of oak trees. You will find lots of good oak tree pictures with oak tree facts, types of oaks and information below, more oak tree pictures on the way soon Oak Tree GalleryConsists of two pages of oak tree images, with an impressive oak tree photos feature and an oak leaf page. Tree Photo galleries on the left give you info about those different tree species, facts on the tree type and lots of great pictures of that tree. Oak Tree ImagesThe mighty oak is a symbol of courage and power, legend has it that it is the most powerful of all trees. To enlarge each oak tree photo, just click on an oak image you like to make the Oak Tree picture enlarge. Enjoy these beautiful pictures of Oak Trees. Oak Tree Pictures, Photos & Images of Oak Trees
Oak Tree Pictures 1 - Oak Tree Pictures 2Red Oak TreesImpressive Photos of Oak TreesOak Tree Acorns Oak Leaves Oak Tree LeafOak Tree Galleries: More Pictures & Images of OaksOak Trees: Show an Oak Tree ImageOak Tree Scientific Name: QuercusOak Tree Types
Oak Tree Facts: Info on Types of Oak TreesThe mighty, majestic oak tree has, throughout the centuries, been the subject of story, song and proverb. More than 80 species of this beautiful oak tree are found in North America. All oaks trees are deciduous trees with toothed leaves and heavy, furrowed bark. The fruit is, of course, the acorn. Like other deciduous trees, most oaks shed their leaves in fall. However, in warmer areas of the continent, some varieties, the live oaks, keep their greenery throughout the winter. Oak Trees have always been economically important for their hard, strong wood which has a multitude of purposes including furniture and flooring. The oak tree also have landscape uses although mature trees can dominate smaller sites. Oak Tree Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree referred to as nuts. Acorns contain tannins which makes eating them bitter, but are enjoyed by many forest animals, such as the squirrel, deer, mice. There are acorns from the White Oak and Chestnut Oak which are little sweeter but of marginal value. Feature Oak Species: White OakOur feature oak tree species is the White Oak. If you are looking for information on other types of oak, we recommend using Google search. We hope you enjoy the information and photos we have provided to help you identify various types of oak, to learn interesting facts about oak trees and how oak wood is used in a variety of industries.
Oak, White Additional Information: White Oak
Attributes: Oak Tree Pictures 1 - Oak Tree Pictures 2Impressive Photos of Oak TreesOak Tree Acorns Oak Leaves Oak Tree LeafOak Tree Comments, Facts, Reference, IdeasOak Tree: Great shade tree to sit under on hot summer days, almost feels the temperature is dropped 5-10 degrees less. Mature oak tree can grow quite tall at 40-50 feet plus so do not plant too close to the house. Oaks: Oak tree leaves stay on the tree for a longer time than say the maple tree. This means that one will be raking the oak leaves into late fall or if snow falls early, possibly the following spring. Oak Tree Names: Oak tree is a popular hardwood tree found many areas. People like the tree, using versions of "oak" in business names and places. Examples: Twin Oaks Hotel, Mossy Oak Real Estate, Oaks Mall, Oak College, Oak Brewing. Using oak in a name can help to convey something we recognize or will remember easily. Hopefully making the name more memorable, lasting for years like an oak tree.. Oak Tree Leaves: Oak leaves are hardy, some stay on the tree through out winter and well into the early spring. Old dry brown leaves are pushed on their way with new leaf growth. Oak tree leaves which are protected from wind, snow and ice will hold their leaves longer. This is most noticeable where the top leaves are long gone but oak leaves lower on the tree are still hanging on. The term used to describe dead leaf retention is 'marcescence.' Oak and beech trees, as well as hornbeam, and witch hazel display this characteristic. The reason for this is not known but there are various theories. Oak Tree DiseaseOak wilt is a fungal pathogen (Ceratocystis fagacearum) killing thousands of oak trees in North American forests and woodlands each year. Oak wilt is highly likely in all species of red oak, including the northern red oak (Quercus rubra), northern pin oak (Quercus ellipoidalis), and the Spanish oak (Quercus falcata). Fungal mats found on infected trees are transferred to the beetles bodies while feeding and then carried to healthy trees. Oak WoodWood from the oak tree has a pronounced grain pattern. There are two varieties; Red Oak ranges in color from light brown to pinkish red with a swirling waterlike pattern whereas the White Oak has a tiger stripe grain with yellow rays and flecks. Oak will show growth lines and can be a factor when wood working or buying oak furniture, cabinets, flooring and installing wood trim. If you like oak's hardness, but prefer a less grainy pattern, then one can consider using darker stains to blend out the oak wood grain. Oak is among the most attractive and sturdiest of hardwoods. Its rich tones and steel-like structure make it a favorite material of carpenters and a popular choice for Mission style furniture. Oak Tree TriviaThe Live Oak Tree is a Southern symbol for strength and its leaves and flowers are used by the US Army Forces to identify rank in the military. The Seven Sisters Oak located in Louisiana is one of the largest live oak trees, believed to be at least 1000 years old. In the 1800s, pioneers used a variety of wooden containers such as buckets, casks and barrels that were made out of oak. Oak barrels are used to store wine, whisky, and brandy which adds a certain aroma to the alcohol over time. The bark of the Cork Oak Tree is used to produce corks used in wine bottles. This oak species is found in the Mediterranean Sea region. Portugal, Spain, Algeria and Morocco produce most of the world's supply of wine corks Oak Tree SymbolismOak is the national plant of many countries including USA, England, France, Germany, Latvia, Poland and Serbia. The mighty oak is a symbol of courage, power, strength and endurance. You can read more about tree symbolism by visiting symbolism.co Thank you for visiting these Oak Tree Pictures, please come back soon for more great tree pictures! Oak Tree ReferencesRed Oak Trees, Scientific name: Quercus falcata Michx. - Factual and detailed accounting of the southern red oak in the US, the characteristics, classification of Quercus falcata Michx or southern red oak White Oak Trees; White oak named Quercus alba is widespread across eastern North America, high-grade wood makes the white oak an important lumber tree, making staves for barrels, acorns are an important for many birds and other kinds of wildlife White Oak Trees Oak Tree Leaves: Oak leaves are hardy, some stay on the tree through out winter and well into the early spring. Old dry brown leaves are push on their way with new leaf growth. Oak tree leaves which are protected from wind, snow and ice will hold their leaves longer. This is most noticeable where the top leaves are long gone but oak leaves lower on the tree still are hanging on. Tree Pictures - Recent Tree Additions
Tweet Tree Pictures - Recent ImagesClick on the Tree Photo for a full enlarged picture or click on the Category below to go to the Tree Gallery page for that tree species Looking for a background image of a beautiful tree to use as on your desktop computer then check out these beautiful tree pictures you can use as free tree wallpaper. Have a really beautiful tree picture that might look good on Tree-Pictures.com, just email us your image, please include if you know which type of tree it is. Looking for a background image of a beautiful tree to use as on your desktop computer then check out these beautiful tree pictures you can use as free tree wallpaper. Have a really beautiful tree picture that might look good on Tree-Pictures.com, just email us your image, please include if you know which type of tree it is. Type of TreesTrees Pictures TranslateTree Picture pages can be viewed in 56 languages. Select your preferred language to convert all tree picture pages!
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