You get 3 unique features by planting a Birch Tree!
1. Unique white colored trunk and branches in this type of tree. The Paper Birch Tree is named for it’s very thin white trunk bark which peels like paper. The largest pieces peel off near the trunk of the Birch Tree. 2. Pretty long Birch catkins in the early Spring 3. A Lovely display of yellow Birch Tree leaves during the Autumn Season.
Birch’s are popular as an ornamental tree in gardens and landscaping. The wood and bark of Birch Trees are used in quality paper products. Birches grow well in the northern part of North America, USA and Canada.
The Paper Birch Tree produces brilliant yellow leaves in the Autumn season.
Birch Tree Grove
Birch Tree Grove is a group of Birchs
What to do with an Old Birch Tree stump? Originally the birch tree was a center feature of a large garden, now cut high to remain part of the flower bed design.
Birch Tree Leaves in Summer
Birch Tree Image – Dead in the Water
Birch Tree Log Rotting by a stream. The white bark holds the truck’s shape as the wood rots on the inside.
White Birch Tree shows off it’s unique white birch bark in the Fall after the leaves have fallen.
White Birch Tree is easily identified by it’s white bark.
Why is the next two Birch Tree photos an Autumn Picture?
Birch Tree is a deciduous tree and it looses it’s leaves during the Autumn colder months.