Cherry Tree pink flowers blanket the tree’s canopy in Spring!
Large groupings of Cherry Trees in flower will stop many an amazed photographer!

These pretty purple with white border lilac tree flowers are truly unique .. rewarding it’s proud owners every spring.
This unique Lilac type will only be sold in upscale Garden Centers!
Go for it! “Botanic your Garden!”
More Lilac Flowers to …. Lilac Tree Pictures
Landscape using found or bought Antique objects. Use of old crop seeder … left in a rusty condition.
Antique objects are great garden accents then add a few trees in your landscape design.
Finding a old crop seeder or unique antique may take a bit of looking, it is best to get away from the city … find an old farm country auction, multi-vendor antique flee market or small town antique store…
Wood birdhouse is colorfully painted … creative and visually interesting with the use of bright colors and little design funk ..adding a spark of interest in one’s garden design. A guest conversation piece!
Birdhouse is mounted 10 feet (3 meters) off the ground on a cedar pole with it’s bark still intact. Behind is pine board and batten building siding with a well established climbing vine.
NB. Follow to see lots of creative bird houses. Wood Bird Houses
Resin Adirondack Style Chairs
Adding some “POP with a pair of “these low maintenance chairs into your landscape design .. will create a visual focal point in your garden .. plus a resting spot to enjoy a tea or cold drink…
Striking color adds sharp contrast and draws the eye to your seating arrangement .. then build out your garden area with your favorite trees or flowers.
Resin Plastic chairs vary in price and quality. One area to inspect is the size of the 4 vertical legs. If legs are too small, the chairs may wobble side to side over time … a firm base of patio stones will prevent the legs sinking into the ground.
Suggest you buy at least two chairs .. then someone can join you!
2023 Autumn &Thanksgiving Ideas to decorate your entrance and help your family celebrate the holidays! Pumpkins placed on a straw bale welcomes visitors thru the wood double doors!
Straw bales are a harvest décor that helps keep the pumpkins off the ground
Variety of Autumn decorations using orange Pumpkins, different colored mums and straw bales adds a Thanksgiving harvest theme.
It’s fun to spot wildlife on your hike through the forest. If you’re lucky, you may get a glimpse of a red squirrel like this one.
A nut collector, Removing Red Squirrels can be an on going and messy clean up project!
Persistent with many brothers and sisters the red Squirrel can be a pest creating a big mess in your attic, out buildings … garden sheds.
Red Squirrel gestation period 35-40 days twice a year. Each squirrel will have several nests. Female Squirrels will move their 1-8 babies between nests.
Red squirrels will nest close to their favourite pine tree and store food in one central place. Other trees with steady source of nuts like the black walnut, and oak are popular.
Pest removal service is great hand free option and should be considered for the spring and fall periods after the numbers of squirrels expand.
DIY Removal Service – have over a 20 red squirrels to be relocated? Then 1-2 spring traps can be bought from Amazon.
Cedar Tree Branches at breakage risk after heavy Spring snow fall.
Cedar Tree TiP
Take your snow shovel .. scrape & shake off the snow on the branches. Then you will not have to cut off broken branches and/or tie the tree back to get back to it’s original shape.
Time Saved!
Got a really noisy neighbor? The kind that has a security camera that points over your property, type that calls bylaw & parking control, likes to sit on the front porch watches you and others, well?
Time for a solid wood or plastic privacy fence!
Type of wood fence design allows no view through the fence for total privacy of one’s backyard. Spring & Summer is a great time to enjoy your outdoor spaces …. problem is your neighbour(s) got the same idea to enjoy their backyards.
Get a privacy fence quote! And get motivated to take back your families privacy! Loose your adjacent undesirable neighbor(s) this summer when are using their backyards a lot.
This type of fence uses wood vertical pieces which over lap each other providing continuous wood surface. Lapped vertical wood design is similar to lapping horizontal siding on a building.
Take notice this fence design is little different in that there are no wood post breaks.
This type of wood fence butt ends the boards against each other making the most of your board’s width.
Fence Design ideas have expanded greatly in recent years, offering more options and ideas to dress up your fence with examples as wrought iron inserts as show below.
Privacy Fence P.S. Need a New Year’s resolution? High privacy fence might work to screen out that a noisy neighbor or messy junky neighboring’s yard!
Privacy Fence TIP
Installing a fence is a efficient use of property line because most fence styles only need 8-12 inches of width.
In contrast to say a cedar hedge which in the beginning needs only 2 feet or so … but later after 10-15 years requires 3-5 feet + at the base consuming larger width than anticipated!
Forsythia produces striking bright yellow flowers in early Spring.Forsythia Tip: Increase the number & concentration of Forsythia yellow flowers by shaping and trimming down your Forsythia shrubs increasing the concentration of flowers.
P.S. “Must Have” Shrub use as a stand alone or can be grouped into a hedge.
Crocus is one of several of the first flowers to come out of the ground in spring. Some people refer to the Crosuses as the light bulb flower, bright like a light bulb.
Crosuses are a perennial flowering bulb flowering in the earliest part of Spring of each year.
Purple Crocus is a popular choice, planted closely in lots of 6-12 produces nice grouping of garden Color!
Crocus Flowers are a sign of hope & warm sunny days to come, that Spring has arrived!
There is an Autumn Crocus, known as Meadow Saffron or Naked Lady and is a nice sight in the Autumn Season when there is little color or flowers in one’s garden.Ifyou Did not plant Cocuses in the Fall?
Tree Service’s busiest days are after a big winter season storm. Are you ready?
Own a House, Cottage or a Rental Property? Winter brings in heavy snow, Spring is freezing rain, Summer has striking bolts of lightning … then there is the risk from the storm of the decade!
Insurance Policy might cover some tree and building damage but not every year!
Proactive trimming of trees around your house, buildings and property can be expensive. At times seem unnecessary or hard to justify.
Best do tree trimming and cutting of dangerous limbs on your own time frame, say off season, then you’ll get better service, at cheaper rates and sleep better at night.
PS Extra tree services rates are often applied for emergency rush services, storm clean ups, after hours work, weekend and holiday day service!
Cutting Big Trees is just plain dangerous to yourself, your property and on lookers?
Large heavy awkward shaped trees are best cut down with large specialized equipment, a tree climber or bucket truck best.
Hiring a Professional Tree Service is going leave it the tree pros saving you unneeded risk and trouble.
Large Tree Cutting! No Fails – Gone Right!
PS.Never will be a family dig “remember that time when you fell that tree …”!
Got the time to buy the landscape equipment? Energy to get out there after work to cut the lawn, do annual spring & fall maintenance … take care of the tree trimming, garden edging, fertilising, aerating, buy the gas? …. it’s like running a multi department landscaping business!
Too Much?
Maybe so, your backyard is always in need of attention but takes but too much personal time!
If you don’t want get the 100 per cent full property maintenance package consider:
Life is good!
Backyard Maintenance Program Example: Possible List of Lawn Applications:
Early spring – fertilizing – get the lawn growing and green
Mid spring – over seeding – fill in the lawn new grass & thicken thin spots
Late spring – weed control (first of up to 4 visits) – type/effectiveness depends on local laws
Early summer – weed control & fertilizing if needed
Mid summer – weed control if needed
Late summer – weed control if needed
Early fall – weed control if needed
Mid fall – over seeding & fertilizing
PS Winter snow and iced maintenance can be the same – Lot nicer to let a company blow or plow the snow on need basis, then you buying the equipment & maintain it. Life is short!
Christmas Lights that outline buildings are majestic!
Photo is of the large BC parliament building in the City of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. A Popular tourist destination as City is located right on the water.
City of Victoria, on Vancouver Island, on the west coast, in British Columbia is a very popular tourist destination. Victoria City is located right on the Pacific Ocean water front.
Some love snow … Some do not!
Here are some images of Winter’s First Snow!
Foot steps left in the fresh fluffy snow. Best type of Snow.
Snow accumulates again the bamboo shoots at the garden’s edge.
All the café visitor’s are gone now that the snow has arrived.
Fresh fluffy snow collects on the weeping white pine tree.
Snow piles a soft white doom on the old pine tree stump in the garden.
Snow fakes pile up on the larch trees branches.
Red chairs are waiting for new visitors in the Spring.
Snow decorates a garden sculpture mounted on a tree stump.
Snow sticks to the Fern Leaf Beech tree’s yellow Fall leaves.
Fluffy snow rests on the colorful green and yellow Cypress Tree leaves.
.Crab Apple Tree’s red fruit stands out against the new white snow
Spring is far enough away that one needs garden flowers that do well into the late Fall SeasonBright Red geraniums flower well into Fall specially planted in some sun.
Large group of marigolds in a sunny patch will flower well in the Autumn
PS Sunny spot in your garden will produce the best late blooming floors … when out on a walk spot check what is flowering in other people gardens .. a good way to find new Fall flowering garden ideas.
Cross section of the wood grain of a cut down Palm Tree.
Alternate view of Cross section cut Palm Tree wood grain.
Palm Tree Photo of a Cradle to help newly planted or wind blown palm trees to stand and grow straight. Cradle is left on giving the palm tree roots time to establish themselves while holding the palm perpendicular.
PS Getting New Trees off to a straight up start is important. A consistent eye sore and reminder is to have a wonky tree look in your well landscaped area.
Rose of Sharon, pretty in a lilac purple color!
The Rose of Sharon is deciduous flowering shrub, is botanically known as Hibiscus syriacus.
Rose of Sharon, pretty in magenta. Referred to pink red color for it’s pink petal and red inside pattern!
When does the Rose of Sharon Bloom? Rose of Sharon blooms in mid to late summer. A single flower lasts one day. Flowers best in full sun with slower growth in part shade.
Gardeners favorite shrub pick with a variety of color: Red, pink, light blue, lilac and striking brilliant white flowers.
P.S. Rose of Sharon Scrub can be shaped and the height, width and thickness controlled with aggressive pruning. Rose of Sharon makes an excellent taller garden background shrub!!!
Who owns what tree parts and where does the responsibility rest?
Property lines …what can one trim or cut?
What are you liable for if tree cutting goes wrong?
Tree Video is an insight into few of the problems with properties lines and trees that cross them.
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