Pinky purple phlox flowers, know as polemoniaceae, provide a dense blanket of flowers late Spring!
They look great trailing off large rocks in this rock garden leading to the lake.

Rock Sculpture displays simplicity!
Inspired Rock Art with just two stones, one can create a cool rock element, maybe what no one else has for your garden paradise.
Easiest way to create a stone sculpture is to use what you have .. but if you want to duplicate this design you will need to go to the rock quarry or your local garden center.
Designing your Garden with a large rock element is a simple way to create a focal point.
The more knarly the shape, the bigger the holes and using large scale can add a unique natural element to your garden.
Color differences can be attractive and add interest if you can find.
Larger shape and scale are a landscaping factor, as too small rock display will get hidden or over grown by future tree and plant growth.
Rock Landscape Photo is a good example, it is knarly, sizable and has some color contrast … good luck in your rock hunt.
Food Survival? Europeans who first settled in North America struggle to survive and water was a powerful resource.
Entrepreneur’s built wooden Mills in the 1700 and 1800’s powered by water allowing them to cut Lumber and grind flour.
Little history on building Mills in Watkins Glen, NY
A creek or gorge water was in an elevated channel, called a flume, where water would fall on top of a wood wheel turning it clockwise to create the power to grind the grain into flour.
This is an “overshot stone wheel design” was capable of grinding thousands of pounds of grain per day.
Stone Inuksuk statue can be used for garden or landscape design accents. In-uk-suk, can be difficult to say at first, historically a man-made stone landmark or cairn used by the Inuit, Iñupiat, Kalaallit, Yupik people of the Arctic region of North America.
Large stone table with many Inuksuk Statutes of individual design.
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