Got the time to buy the landscape equipment? Energy to get out there after work to cut the lawn, do annual spring & fall maintenance … take care of the tree trimming, garden edging, fertilising, aerating, buy the gas? …. it’s like running a multi department landscaping business!
Too Much?
Maybe so, your backyard is always in need of attention but takes but too much personal time!
If you don’t want get the 100 per cent full property maintenance package consider:
- Give a way the lawn cutting, edge trimming and blower work! The bigger the property the more important is this step. Then do not need a gas lawn mower nor a trimmer .. always nice to have a gas blower around.
- Gardens Up Keep. You can keep this area, edging and attending to the garden can be done a need basis. The larger the garden(s) consider giving away the spring and fall clean ups which take up a lot of man power hours, especially if it is only you, and generates a lot of plant waste.
- Watch others do your Landscape and Property Maintenance from your chair on the front porch.
Life is good!
Backyard Maintenance Program Example: Possible List of Lawn Applications:
Early spring – fertilizing – get the lawn growing and green
Mid spring – over seeding – fill in the lawn new grass & thicken thin spots
Late spring – weed control (first of up to 4 visits) – type/effectiveness depends on local laws
Early summer – weed control & fertilizing if needed
Mid summer – weed control if needed
Late summer – weed control if needed
Early fall – weed control if needed
Mid fall – over seeding & fertilizing
PS Winter snow and iced maintenance can be the same – Lot nicer to let a company blow or plow the snow on need basis, then you buying the equipment & maintain it. Life is short!