Wood Deck is 3-4 years old, in great condition other than losing it pressure treated color. Sunny bleached pressure treated wood deck is being applied with 2 coats of Thompson Water seal to revive the decks appearance and to preserve from wood rot.
Refinishing the wood resulted in great revived new deck appearance!
Wood Deck 3-4 years later!
Water Seal finish was pealing off in areas calling for a new refinish repair. Otherwise beautiful finish has deteriorated away due to water being absorbed into the dry boards and popping off the water seal finish.
Because the woods surface had been clear sealed, one has to sand the decking boards to get back to the raw wood surface.
Refinished the Deck with a semi transparent stain that soaks into the wood, so that next time can just re-stain the deck!
Prefer Wood stain finish as it is easier to recoat one deck!