Ice Pansy Flower, Is Bigger Better?

The Ice Pansy in Spring is frost hardy flowering plant coming in a multitude of bright solid and mixed assortment of colors.

Yes, for color impact & splash the bigger pansies make noticeable difference, see area calculations at the bottom to understand why!

Spring Flowers: Local garden centers, building stores, Costco display and big box grocery stores offer for sale Ice Pansies because they are frost hardy. Jump start your Spring with color!!!

Fall Flowers: Late Fall Tip: Frost is a killer of most Fall plants and their flowers, so planting greenhouse grown Ice Pansies in the off season, ie found at Lowes, Home Depot and Better Garden Centers, … a a fast way to return color in your prime garden areas.

PS Personally prefer the bigger 2″ plus diameter pansies for BIG color garden impact – takes some searching, not every store has the monster flowers!!!

Question: How much bigger is a 1″ pansy versus a 2″ pansy? Much larger, actually four times larger – see calculation below!

Well a 1″ (2.54 cm) )diameter pansy measures approx. 3/4 (5.06 square cm) of a square inch
A 2″ (5.08cm) )diameter pansy measures approx. 3.14 (20.2 square cm) of a square inch

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