Big Snow Fall Equipment FailFlat tire renders this parking snow plow dead.
Hopefully your snow plow guy has a back up plan!

Spring Images, Pictures, and Photos of Trees in the growing Season
Cedar Tree Branches at breakage risk after heavy Spring snow fall.
Cedar Tree TiP
Take your snow shovel .. scrape & shake off the snow on the branches. Then you will not have to cut off broken branches and/or tie the tree back to get back to it’s original shape.
Time Saved!
Crocus is one of several of the first flowers to come out of the ground in spring. Some people refer to the Crosuses as the light bulb flower, bright like a light bulb.
Crosuses are a perennial flowering bulb flowering in the earliest part of Spring of each year.
Purple Crocus is a popular choice, planted closely in lots of 6-12 produces nice grouping of garden Color!
Crocus Flowers are a sign of hope & warm sunny days to come, that Spring has arrived!
There is an Autumn Crocus, known as Meadow Saffron or Naked Lady and is a nice sight in the Autumn Season when there is little color or flowers in one’s garden.Ifyou Did not plant Cocuses in the Fall?
Palm Tree Photo of a Cradle to help newly planted or wind blown palm trees to stand and grow straight. Cradle is left on giving the palm tree roots time to establish themselves while holding the palm perpendicular.
PS Getting New Trees off to a straight up start is important. A consistent eye sore and reminder is to have a wonky tree look in your well landscaped area.
The dandelion weed is a persistent perennial weed. If permitted, it will take over your lawn with it’s large light blocking leafs, reducing the effectiveness of grass to grow. Returning every year, usually blooming twice per season, as this owner knows well.
Weed Problem left too long? Hard to win against the dandelion .. best just call the weed specialists!
Dandelions: Why your Can’t Win!
If you not interested in using it’s dandelion’s leaves, stem, flowers or root parts for medicinal purposes then you know getting rid of them is almost impossible!!!
Dandelion hard to Remove! The difficulty is the dandelion’s long fleshy tap root. When pulled it rarely comes out in one piece leaving a root for a new dandelion to grow.
Many hours invested? No win situation.
Grass plugs are left overs from the Golf Course aerating their grass fairways and approaches to the putting greens. They run roller machines to perforate the grass and soil allowing exposure to air, more water and nutrients.
Spring Aerating Service is available through many of your local landscaping maintenance companies.
GOAL & Result is better lawn appearance and growth.
Is Hiring a Lawn Service Company is a good choice for many?
Fact is that Some of the needed lawn equipment is costly, aerator, grass cutting equipment, trimmer, and blower . … many of these equipment pieces need annual service .. must be gassed up … some people like the ease of sitting back a watch their lawn cut, trimmed and cleanly blown.
This feeds the grass roots which respond to produce a greener stronger vigorous lawn. Also helps to loosen up compacted soil conditions.
GrassCycling never heard of it? It is not new
Idea is that grass clippings, fresh grass clippings are 60-70 per cent water, will break down and add nutrients to your lawn giving you a healthy lawn. Maybe save on some fertilizer.
The Ice Pansy in Spring is frost hardy flowering plant coming in a multitude of bright solid and mixed assortment of colors.
Yes, for color impact & splash the bigger pansies make noticeable difference, see area calculations at the bottom to understand why!
Spring Flowers: Local garden centers, building stores, Costco display and big box grocery stores offer for sale Ice Pansies because they are frost hardy. Jump start your Spring with color!!!
Fall Flowers: Late Fall Tip: Frost is a killer of most Fall plants and their flowers, so planting greenhouse grown Ice Pansies in the off season, ie found at Lowes, Home Depot and Better Garden Centers, … a a fast way to return color in your prime garden areas.
PS Personally prefer the bigger 2″ plus diameter pansies for BIG color garden impact – takes some searching, not every store has the monster flowers!!!
Question: How much bigger is a 1″ pansy versus a 2″ pansy? Much larger, actually four times larger – see calculation below!
Well a 1″ (2.54 cm) )diameter pansy measures approx. 3/4 (5.06 square cm) of a square inch
A 2″ (5.08cm) )diameter pansy measures approx. 3.14 (20.2 square cm) of a square inch
Forget Me Nots are a welcomed Spring Flower blossoming in Blue and Pink.
Blue Forget Me Nots show well on a this dark fence background as in the above photo.
Forget me Nots produce a colorful pretty blue Spring Flower.
Hyacinths can grow in just water because the nutrients are in the bulb!
Hyacinthus is an early bloomer in Spring coming in range of pinks, blues in single or double petal flowers. Hyacinths blooms only once per year and bloom each year as are a perennial plant.A favorite potted plant in the house with of it’s strong fragrant flowers.
A Mother’s Day gift winner!
Crabapple Trees planted in a curve establish a purple hew background and added height to this landscape design.
This Crab Apple garden will be most striking in the Spring when the crab apple trees bloom.
Moved the Dwarf Daffodils up the “must have” more list!
Dwarf Daffodil plant is compact and fits in well in small garden spaces!
The Daffodil flowers easily pass the Crocus’s flowering period of days … into 2-3 week(s) of happy Spring flowering!
Unique Yellow Magnolia Trees seem rare compared the popular pink cup variety sold in building stores, known as a Saucer Magnolia.
Want a unique color of Magnolia for your yard then consider the Yellow Bird Type.
Rhododendron Shrub, Spring Picture showing large pretty pink flowers!
Witch Hazel is a Spring early bloomer. Plant as a bright yellow garden feature shrub.
Example of Witch Hazel Flowers with lovely yellow, ribbon or strap-like flowers. Features a multitude of blooms well before the leaves open.
P.S. Yellow flowers are a very striking feature, similar with the Forsythia Shrub !
Early Spring bloomer along with a good reason to get outside and check the garden. The White Forsythia Shrub flowers bloom before their leaves come out! So it’s just flowers!
Named after William Forsyth, one sees the yellow flowering type of Forsythia more often in gardens.Forsythia plant produces multiple stems branching out from the base.
White Forsythia Flowers bloom before the leaves develop!
Pretty white flowers are a nice garden starter welcoming in Spring and it’s warm weather.
The genus is named after Mr. William Forsyth.
PS Many people have the more common Yellow Flowering Forsythia. It is also one of the earliest Spring Shrubs to bloom.
Signs of Spring! Daffodils are a perennial bulb returning every year with their beautiful flowers.
Miniature Daffy flowers are a cute addition to ones garden and produce longer lasting color than the crocus flower.
Did you know that Daffodils are toxic. If swallowed it can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
Good part is squirrels don’t seem to like Daffodils either!
Daffodils in Spring are a symbol of rebirth and new beginnings.
Images from a sunny spring days walk in the forest. The trail was very muddy in spots, the forest quiet of birds with the sun shining through the leafless trees … everything very brown in the this deciduous forest, but sunlight is refreshing sign of summer days to come.
White paper birch trees standout amongst the darker forest trees in Spring Season.
The forest trail is mucky and slippery as water runs across it – wood logs help bridge the path.
Old cut tree has a habitat hole with new moss growth beside the stump.
Ash tree found marked and fallen to slow down the spread of the Emerald Ash Beetle.
At last we come across a pond. Very quiet of any water animals or birds – too bad.
Big view of the pond, the cedars are growing on the east side of the pond getting the west sun.
Ferns grow on the forest floor and are great cover for wild life.
Usual tree that split into two trunks and later fused together years later.
Wood dries out and splits over the dryer winter months as moisture evaporates over time.
Bigger water pond with marsh bulrushes on sides with deciduous forest hill in the background.
Marsh bird hangs on bulrush contemplating it’s next move.
Cedar trees are evergreen trees, retaining leaves year round and populate the wet lowland areas.
Canada geese investigating area bulrushes as possible nest for a future generation of goslings.
Day on the trails comes to a close as the lower sun shines through the trees.
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