Lap Style Cedar Privacy Fence
Got a really noisy neighbor? The kind that has a security camera that points over your property, type that calls bylaw & parking control, likes to sit on the front porch watches you and others, well?
Time for a solid wood or plastic privacy fence!
Type of wood fence design allows no view through the fence for total privacy of one’s backyard. Spring & Summer is a great time to enjoy your outdoor spaces …. problem is your neighbour(s) got the same idea to enjoy their backyards.
Get a privacy fence quote! And get motivated to take back your families privacy! Loose your adjacent undesirable neighbor(s) this summer when are using their backyards a lot.
This type of fence uses wood vertical pieces which over lap each other providing continuous wood surface. Lapped vertical wood design is similar to lapping horizontal siding on a building.
Take notice this fence design is little different in that there are no wood post breaks.
Board to Board Privacy Fence
This type of wood fence butt ends the boards against each other making the most of your board’s width.
New Privacy Fence Upgrades
Fence Design ideas have expanded greatly in recent years, offering more options and ideas to dress up your fence with examples as wrought iron inserts as show below.
Privacy Fence P.S. Need a New Year’s resolution? High privacy fence might work to screen out that a noisy neighbor or messy junky neighboring’s yard!
Privacy Fence TIP
Installing a fence is a efficient use of property line because most fence styles only need 8-12 inches of width.
In contrast to say a cedar hedge which in the beginning needs only 2 feet or so … but later after 10-15 years requires 3-5 feet + at the base consuming larger width than anticipated!