Big Snow Fall Equipment FailFlat tire renders this parking snow plow dead.
Hopefully your snow plow guy has a back up plan!

Winter Pictures of Trees in the Cooler Winter Season
Cedar Tree Branches at breakage risk after heavy Spring snow fall.
Cedar Tree TiP
Take your snow shovel .. scrape & shake off the snow on the branches. Then you will not have to cut off broken branches and/or tie the tree back to get back to it’s original shape.
Time Saved!
Tree Service’s busiest days are after a big winter season storm. Are you ready?
Own a House, Cottage or a Rental Property? Winter brings in heavy snow, Spring is freezing rain, Summer has striking bolts of lightning … then there is the risk from the storm of the decade!
Insurance Policy might cover some tree and building damage but not every year!
Proactive trimming of trees around your house, buildings and property can be expensive. At times seem unnecessary or hard to justify.
Best do tree trimming and cutting of dangerous limbs on your own time frame, say off season, then you’ll get better service, at cheaper rates and sleep better at night.
PS Extra tree services rates are often applied for emergency rush services, storm clean ups, after hours work, weekend and holiday day service!
Some love snow … Some do not!
Here are some images of Winter’s First Snow!
Foot steps left in the fresh fluffy snow. Best type of Snow.
Snow accumulates again the bamboo shoots at the garden’s edge.
All the café visitor’s are gone now that the snow has arrived.
Fresh fluffy snow collects on the weeping white pine tree.
Snow piles a soft white doom on the old pine tree stump in the garden.
Snow fakes pile up on the larch trees branches.
Red chairs are waiting for new visitors in the Spring.
Snow decorates a garden sculpture mounted on a tree stump.
Snow sticks to the Fern Leaf Beech tree’s yellow Fall leaves.
Fluffy snow rests on the colorful green and yellow Cypress Tree leaves.
.Crab Apple Tree’s red fruit stands out against the new white snow
Tropical palm trees are a majestic site to locals and holiday visitors.
Palm Trees surround the pool creating some shade, Nice!
These evergreen Palm Tree Images are year round images for the locals and winter images for the tourists!
Maple syrup producers collect Maple Tree’s Sap which runs in Early Spring.
In the olden day a farmer would go around the trees and empty buckets of Maple sap. New technology and needs of efficiency, the Maple Syrup producer uses piping strung between the sugar Maple trees to save time and lower costs.
Maple tree sap is very watery when collected … after which it is boiled down to thicker liquid with a high sugar content … thus Maple Syrup!
Snowy images of Winter’s Snow piling on the park steps.
Snow surrounds an un-used wrought iron park bench.
Snow Tractor Equipment used for snow plowing!
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