Alberta Spruce Trees

Alberta Spruce Tree

There are many types of spruce trees, but the Alberta Spruce is an extremely slow growing spruce tree.

The Alberta Spruce tree a top pick for tight landscaping areas and can be used for featuring walkways.

Not a gardener?

Hire out a tree landscape company to finalise your design and do all the buying and installation work

Tree Cutting

Tree Felling Fundamentals Tutorial

Demonstration on how to drop a tree eight different ways using different types of notches. Real live example on 140-150 feet high Fir Trees. Informative!

Types of Tree Saw Cuts and video’s time location:
The Humboldt- 1:26​
Gapped Face- 7:23​
Conventional Face Cut- 13:21​
The Bore Cut- 19:27​
The Sizwill- 24:57​
Pulling one with a Rope- 29:17​
Open Faced Notch- 35:32​
Backcut First- 39:33

DYK:  Removing a large stump can be the costly experience.

Pine Board Wood Fence

Solid Wood Fence acts as a solid no see through Privacy Fence by using 1″ thick 12 inch wide rough sawn pine boards.

Fence was given some unique design by increasing the height of every other board to create a castle effect. Reduced fence height when coming to meet a low metal farm gate.

Noisy Neighbors?

Thick Cedars planted closely together create one of the best privacy Hedges!

Neighbors overly interested in your life, visitors and street doings are a pest .. so best blocked their view and get back your privacy!

P.S. This Cedar hedge could use a little trimming, the off season of winter is best time to trim, then you would better see the path with the black wrought iron gate.

Hedge Needed?

Why plant a hedge this year?

Well the fact is that they are cheaper than other options like a wood fence.

Here are 4 good reasons for planting a Hedge.

1. Mark one’s property boundaries, block off areas and/or define spaces.
2. Aid to blocking winds, dust, sun, absorb road or neighbor noise.
3. Hide unattractive features like rubbish bins, ugly buildings, sheds
4. Your privacy from others looking in your windows.

P.S. Photo shows mature 12 foot (4 metre) high Hick Yew trees blocking the view into the windows!

Cedar Trees

Young cedar establishing and growing strong near water. Cedars are evergreens and maintain their green leaves year round

Mature cedar tree showing it’s bark, tree limbs and green foliage.

End of a cedar with only the stump and old roots seen thru the water.

Cedar Hedge with Onion Tulips Garden

A “Wow Garden” in part has to do with contrast between plants and trees.

If you have mature cedar hedge, it creates a great dark green back drop for bright contrasting garden flowers as can be seen to the photo.

Don’t have 5-8 years to wait for cedar trees to grow, then possibly consider a wood fence.