Cedar Tree White Type

Example of a cedar tree planting in an effort to hide a propane tank.  Good plan although there are other better cedar tree varieties . This photo has a white cedar tree which has more open style of branches  …  if available in your area, see if they have black cedar trees as these don’t grow as high and have thicker branch and leaf density, thus hide objects a little better!

Pine and Cedar Tree Decor

Making a natural center piece is easiest if you have access to branches of a pine and/or cedar tree.

The white pine and cedar are evergreen trees so creating a natural display can be done any time during the year,

Christmas is the best time. Especially with twinkle lights and a few snowy décor accessories.

We have lots of Pictures of Christmas Trees

White Pine Tree

A mature white pine is one of the taller trees in the forest.

In the evergreen tree class, because it retains it’s green needles year round.

In the Autumn a large perimeter bed of fallen needles is created .. which animals rummage around in and source the seeds found in pine cones

White Pine trees is readily identified by it’s soft needles.