These colorful leaves are from the Sugar Maple Tree … in the Autumn Season.

Gardening Design Ideas with Tree Pictures, Examples of Landscape Design Using Different Types of Trees
Attractive arrangement of different types of Cactus – new idea for the house or garden!Varying heights of the Cactus types adds visual interest.
Example of a cedar tree planting in an effort to hide a propane tank. Good plan although there are other better cedar tree varieties . This photo has a white cedar tree which has more open style of branches … if available in your area, see if they have black cedar trees as these don’t grow as high and have thicker branch and leaf density, thus hide objects a little better!
Cedar rails, some call split cedar rails, are taken from cedar trees.
Property lines can be a sensitive issue between neighbors and a permanent fence is a good solution.
The cedar rail fence is popular for larger yards because considerable number of wood rails are needed.
Simple design and installation makes this type of cedar fence low cost for going long distances.
We have many types of cedar tree pictures on our Cedar Trees page
Wood Stools are handy as they can be used for every day use or secondary seating, brought out for added seating.
These wood stools are cut out of solid wood and thus have a solid bottom and are relatively sturdy.
Without backs, the stool makes for a great space saver .. able to be tucked under a table or in a corner when not in use.
Nice part about the above designed wood stools, these are little more up scale design than the basic cut log pieces that one going to find around the outdoor firepit.
Note: These turned stools are not readily found and may require custom order or fabrication.
Landscaping designs and layouts are dynamic not static.
Over time, the tree behind the metal bench has over taken the area around the seating area. It is easier, cheaper and faster to trim the tree when the bench is bolted down on a pad.
Garden Design Tip: Trees that over hang benches and seating areas can be messy and may result in stains on clothing
Garden Fountain that sprays up in a cone shape is a popular design choice for larger gardens.
Garden fountain is attractive visually, nice soothing sound, invites birds to your garden and keeps oxygen in the water for fish.
Outdoor living space ideas have expanded greatly … and Huge selection of Patio & Garden Ponds, Fountains, pumps ideas can be found at stores lie Costco, The Home Depot, EBay, Amazon, Lowes … local garden centres …
Garden Fountain Tip: Savings can be best realized at end of season … but the selection is best the spring!
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